need someone to talk to


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im 23 m and bald
i shaved of my hair today which was thinning badly from the top...

and its hit me harder than i thought

even got an extremely negative response from my family. not in a piss taking way but more in a SHOCKED way, like omg ur bald, even though they love me to bits

not to sound like a prick, but i was a decent looking bloke with plenty of the ladies available when i had hair

this is the lowest point of my life so far, as u can prob tell whcih means my lifes been pretty sh*t too if this matters so much

thanks for listening


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I shaved my head too around six months ago. I am a norwood 2.5 with crown thinning. I went into work the next day terrified people can now see my receding hairline. No one said s**t other than how come you shaved your hair. I told them my time was up and i am going bald. They couldnt see the problem but they said i suited it and said i have a nice face anyway and look younger. The next time i went out to town in the night i got mixed reactions from people. Some said i looked good others didnt approve. Do you know what though there were still girls that showed interest in me. In the end i got over the fear of rejection and felt more comfortable with my hairloss. I guess some girls out there like baldies. Bottom line is its not the end of the world. Are you on any treatments?

I think your family reacted that way because its the drastic change in your looks they suddenly have to get use to. My GF was a little funny about me shaving my head but after a week she loved it.


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nah not on any treatments, i use regain occasionaly but i dont like giving myself high hope so i never really got into it
i defnitly look older

and i got a funny shaped head which wasnt clear to see when i had hair
flat from the back lol

uncomfortable man

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What Norwood are you, if you don't mind my asking. If you shave it with enough hair on top then many people will think you did it as a choice and not from going bald. I'm interested to see how your co-workers react, especially the women. Keep us informed.


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feellikecrap said:
im 23 m and bald
i shaved of my hair today which was thinning badly from the top...

and its hit me harder than i thought

even got an extremely negative response from my family. not in a piss taking way but more in a SHOCKED way, like omg ur bald, even though they love me to bits

not to sound like a prick, but i was a decent looking bloke with plenty of the ladies available when i had hair

this is the lowest point of my life so far, as u can prob tell whcih means my lifes been pretty sh*t too if this matters so much

thanks for listening

I never had women when I had hair. I was too shy back then. But hearing that a woman'd man now is at a low point does make me feel less singled out. Sad still.


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I shaved my head before. A few times actually. As for female reactions, they looked at my head and smiled. They did not look like they were smiling at me. Rather, they were looking at the top of my head and smiling to themselves. I did not know what to make of it. I got the same exact reaction when I showed up to class with a lot of beard stubble. Not sure if they were attracted to me, or happy to see me looking bad.