Need somte advice


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Hello All.

Life is really hard at the moment and i needed some advice. I was made redundant in 2008, i was on a graduate scheme. My parents went abroad whilst i was looking for a job, 18 months ago.... Unfortunatly they got involved in a land dispute and they are taking court action against some people who knocked our holiday house down whilst they were as sleep. The cout case is not moving at all, myself and my siblings have told them to come home now as the country they are in is not civilised at all. However, they keep fooling themselves in believing that they will get freedeom sooon. Its so bad that they get court dates and nobody turns up......

Since they have been gone, i have been managing my fathers business for 18 months. I dont get paid. To begin with i thought its for the family and lifes not all about money. But recently i have found out that that this is not the case and that every1 seems to just care about themseles only. I have also learnt that my father is playing away.... and im like wdf. If i didnt take over my dad would now be bankrupt. He promises me that hel help me in the future but i cant trust nobody know more.

I have had enought of this they aint coming back, i want to live my life. I want my own job and my own money now. I feel that i done enough for this family but nobody appreciates anything. I used to look really healthy but im now going downhill. I have a 2 years absence on my CV.... I have decided to take the plunge and find a job but nobody is giving me a chance. Im feeling really low about this. How do i lift myself up? How do i get a job again.... I need someone to give me a chance but noboy does.

Sorry for rambling on i just dont know what to do........


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Family businesses are hard to figure out. Often there´s more sentimentality than business potential involved, not saying that it´s so in your case.
As for the gap in your CV; running a business for two years should take care of that! What kind of business is it?


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Its property rental. We dont have a name or anything. So it will prob look made up although it aint. Iv just had enough now....I know they wont be coming back soon and i really cant do this any longer. I told my dad but hes not interested. I think he knows that i wont be able to find a job anyway.

If i was working for myself i would have had an ok salary, money in the bank etc, but instead i just feel used and nobody appreciates me. Its me whos getting the money in but nobody appreciates anything.


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Edit: I posted this in the wrong thread. I meant to post it in the cure thread.


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I agree with captain_que that it will look fine/good on your CV :) Just elaborate on it a little, explaining what you did and how the company functions, etc.

As for your parents, you just need to tell them man. You need to speak to your dad and tell him that although you were happy to step in and help with the business, you really need to get on with your own separate life now, as it's been a year and a half.

I hope he's the kind of person that will understand that, but I just think it's for the best you do what you feel is right for you and you make yourself happy. If it looks like it might be nearly over then you could always stick it out for just a bit longer, but do not let yourself get pushed around by anyone even your own parents! lol :)

Hope that helped!

Hoppi ^_^


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Re: Need some advice

Thanks for the response guys, nice that people are willing to advise me. Iv told them on so many occasions but they dont listen. There has been so many occasions when i have decided il wait a little longer for them, but no joy at all. So i think enough is enough, you guys are right. I need to start thinking about my own hapiness now. I hope i can find a job soon, that will be a start.