I'll take a stab because I find these sorts of overly demanding profiles grotesquely interesting at times and I wonder what they're trying to accomplish. I absolutely never want to message any girl with these types of profiles.
Grown man - When women say they want a "man not a boy", they either mean they want a tall masculine guy, or they want a settled guy with job/money. In this case based on the rest I think she means the job/money primarily.
Secure and knows what he wants - Again, I think this one is a money request and her looking for someone willing and able to pay her for "what he wants".
Confident and self assured - Since we know women perceive "confidence" from straight forward attractive men and "creepiness" from straight forward ugly men, I always take any reference to "confidence" to represent "good looking" instead.
College degree - Obvious, again money.
Loves his mama - She may want to have kids some day and wants a guy who will likely be stable enough to stick around for it and/or put up with her crap.
That's my best interpretation. I find female psychology interesting when it comes to dating because most women have so little insight and have absolutely no idea why they even do the things they do.