Needling ????


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there is not one bit of scientific reasoning in there, he thinks shaving creates more hair or thicker hair, and vitamin C makes skin more "elastic"

plus, most of these posts are like 10 minutes apart, what does this guy do all day??? What is a Thai Doctor, do they even have any type of certification or accreditations?


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poking the hair can get it infected or injure the follicle so that it won't grow as much hair. now if you don't think enough minoxidil is getting absorbed, and you want to install a subcutaneous irrigation system with a tap that sticks out...maybe you could get minoxidil in pure ethanol and get a buzz out of it!


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I gave it a go this morning. I used a 30 gauge (maybe it's not called gauge) diabetic lancet and poked maybe 50 "holes" in my right temple. Even though the diabetic lancet is only about 4mm long, it still drew blood.

It was just an experiment to see how deep I could go before seeing blood. Next time I attempt this, I'll put something over the needle to control depth. I figure if I only go 1mm deep, I should be just fine. The thread on HLH says you can hear a pop of sorts when you are at the correct depth, I found that to be true (I went deeper than the pop though).

And I disagree that needling can cause perm damage to the follicle. I could see if we were talking about poking a wide very deep hole in your scalp, but 1mm of penetration is just enough to get through the outer layer of skin to increase minoxidil penetration. Derm's use needle therapy to break up fibrosis in scar tissue and to rid people of acne scars. If you search around, you'll find tons of before/after pics of people that have their scars turned almost invisible. Of the pics I've seen, most are breaking up acne scars on the face; and they still have the ability to grow facial hair after the needle therapy is done.

I'm going to needle my right temple 1x/day for a month. Since I apply minoxidil 2x/day, I'll continue that too (to both sides of temples of course). In a month, we'll see which side is improving the most.

I figure I'll use a small piece of cardboard to control depth. Maybe I'll devote some time to figuring out a way to combine more lancets together to make needling go quicker, though it only took 1 minute this morning.

I was also thinking that if I could find some syringes, maybe I'd try injecting minoxidil 0.5mm under the surface of my skin. Though, that does sound sort of crazy. :shock:


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bubka said:
christ, not this one again...

Why do you care what I do to myself? If you think it sounds stupid ok...I don't care.


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alright man, but when you regrow hair by possibly damaging your skin and dormant hair folicles post some pics and give us a call


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Since it seems that you know nothing about needling, how can you give anyone advice? You have an opinion based on 0.00 knowldege of the subject.

Show me proof of people damaging their hair follicles and/or skin from needling. It's not like I invented this...It's been around for thousands of years.


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Don't we all love willing lab rats? Not that I'd use it even if it worked.


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Harie said:
I gave it a go this morning. I used a 30 gauge (maybe it's not called gauge) diabetic lancet and poked maybe 50 "holes" in my right temple. Even though the diabetic lancet is only about 4mm long, it still drew blood.

WTF? Just when you thought the extremes of stupidity had been reached, something like this comes along.


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5 hole millimeters. That is a lot. Not follicle depth, but this guy has tolerance for pain or lacks some of the tendencies other people have.

Scars are more obvious than they have to be becaue their are no pores on them. So holes help the texture. But on normal skin, the though of doing that every day, or even once kind of bothers me. Just not for me. I hope his skin can take all that ethanol.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
5 hole millimeters. That is a lot. Not follicle depth, but this guy has tolerance for pain or lacks some of the tendencies other people have.

Scars are more obvious than they have to be becaue their are no pores on them. So holes help the texture. But on normal skin, the though of doing that every day, or even once kind of bothers me. Just not for me. I hope his skin can take all that ethanol.

CCS - your response was pretty funny. I have always had a high pain tolerance, but honestly, it doesn't hurt at all. It was just a test to see how deep I needed to go. Obviously 4mm is too deep. Yesterday morning I tried another spot that I hadn't done the 1st time and only went maybe 1.5 - 2mm deep. I did not draw any blood. As morbid as it sounds, I kind of like needling myself.

As for ethanol penetration, I'm not worried about it. Hell, you can drink ethanol and not die.

Crazy is relative. Some would say that taking dutasteride or finasteride every day sounds crazy to them. Like I said, it's just a month long test to see what happens. I decided that every day is too much. I'm going to do maybe 2x a week.


Harie you are nuts. :D And i mean that in the best way. But definitely give us a trip report afterwards. I just don't want to hurt myself to grow hair, even if it does work.


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You can argue that the needle method is good, but I don't think you can give a good argument for going deeper than when you heard the pop. I still think that was nuts. And since they won't heal right away, there should be no point in poping new holes more than once every 3 days.


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collegechemistrystudent said:

You can argue that the needle method is good, but I don't think you can give a good argument for going deeper than when you heard the pop. I still think that was nuts. And since they won't heal right away, there should be no point in poping new holes more than once every 3 days.

You are correct. The reason I went 4mm was because I didn't know how deep to go. By the time I noticed that I had dots of blood appearing, I was already done. Lesson learned...the 2nd time I did another area on my head, I only went ~1.5mm and no blood.

3 days sounds about right. I'll probably needle myself tomorrow night.


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I´ll say it again:


D-E-R-M-A - f*****g- R-O-L-L-E-R