Needs some help (considering hair transplant)


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Hi Guys,

So i'm researching hair transplants and I'm keen. At 23 and After trying (and HATING) finasteride and minoxidil losing its magic i'm opting for the transplant. I'm not going bald. I've given my self 2 years to save and put money aside for the op and I have a few questions:


I want 2000 grafts in the front and 1000 in the crown, is that possible?


Is it possible to have the transplant whilst still having hair on my head? Basically, I wear my hair long so my baldness isn't noticeable YET, but I know myself how much my hair is thinning (shedding like a b**ch at the moment!) I just don't want it to be noticeable that Ive had a transplant.


in terms of cost how much should I expect to pay? I've seen ridiculously expensive , then i've seen dirt cheap such as clinics in turkey which to be honest I don't trust as at that price it is too good to be true.

Thanks guys, would appreciate any advice :)


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Hi Guys,

So i'm researching hair transplants and I'm keen. At 23 and After trying (and HATING) finasteride and minoxidil losing its magic i'm opting for the transplant. I'm not going bald. I've given my self 2 years to save and put money aside for the op and I have a few questions:


I want 2000 grafts in the front and 1000 in the crown, is that possible?


Is it possible to have the transplant whilst still having hair on my head? Basically, I wear my hair long so my baldness isn't noticeable YET, but I know myself how much my hair is thinning (shedding like a b**ch at the moment!) I just don't want it to be noticeable that Ive had a transplant.


in terms of cost how much should I expect to pay? I've seen ridiculously expensive , then i've seen dirt cheap such as clinics in turkey which to be honest I don't trust as at that price it is too good to be true.

Thanks guys, would appreciate any advice :)

Id say that is very risky at 23. Do you have any idea where your balding will stop. Any parent or family traits you could examine to just get a rough. Id stick with minoxidil a while before that at your age.


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Thanks for the reply.

My dad has a full head of hair (Bastard!) Maternal Granddad completely bald! My uncles (mums side) Are probably NW3/4.

minoxidil is the only thing I take to battle my hair loss. I started using it in May 2012 ... as you may know it works great for two years then becomes useless! finasteride worked but the side affects were not worth it ... I would rather save for a few years what I would spend on finasteride and have a hair transplant.

Life is short and I worry about my hair loss like most guys so rather than stand in the mirror wondering how many hairs I've lost that day I would rather forget about it, pay a few thousand get a transplant and not lose anymore sleep!!!!


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Thanks for the reply.

My dad has a full head of hair (Bastard!) Maternal Granddad completely bald! My uncles (mums side) Are probably NW3/4.

minoxidil is the only thing I take to battle my hair loss. I started using it in May 2012 ... as you may know it works great for two years then becomes useless! finasteride worked but the side affects were not worth it ... I would rather save for a few years what I would spend on finasteride and have a hair transplant.

Life is short and I worry about my hair loss like most guys so rather than stand in the mirror wondering how many hairs I've lost that day I would rather forget about it, pay a few thousand get a transplant and not lose anymore sleep!!!!

I hear ya, but at 23 you may have a long way to go to realize what you will lose. Also you may lose it slow and controllable or FAST and then end up with weird patched of lone hair.
It wouldnt be one time. It would be many small procedure to keep filling in what you are losing. So hypothetically your not paying once. Be ready to dish out a few grand each year for constant touch ups at this age.
Where did you hear minoxidil stops after 2 years? Thats news to me. I figured it worked or didnt.
Whats sides did finasteride give you? I got them to so I understand. I have actually been using 10% minoxidil with topical finasteride in it. I actually think its helping a lot and havent had sides as of yet from it.