Never noticed until now


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This isn't a paranoia post or anything, so much as just a general question/whatever post :p I never noticed until recently that the hairs I lose during the day are mostly really thin and shorter than the rest of my hair. I had always just assumed this was normal loss, until the last couple months when I really really looked into hairloss. Now I realize it's miniaturization, and I realize how bad of shape my hair really was/is in. I had like, 50 hairs fall out last night, and out of the roughly 50 hairs, 3 were of what I would call "cosmetic normalcy". This is in comparison to the hairs I lose from the side and back of my head, which are longer and thicker. It's mind boggling to think that this percentage of my head has been affected!

Does anybody here lose entirely all normal hairs, or are we all completely affected by miniaturization or what? As another side question, anybody since starting finasteride or any regime or any type noticed that they have alot of curly or kinked hairs just sorta popping up all over the place in between regular hair, making the top of their head look kinda rough and dry, when they used to have really really straight hair?



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im having the same issue! The hairs that I have a dry and kinked growing in spots. Im guessing its because I have been going through miniaturization for some time and now that finasteride is getting the DHT out all the hairs that were affected are falling out. That is my theory, but i could be wrong. It sucks big time......


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My only theory is that they're hairs that have been in atrophy or been dying for some time, and are now being rejuvinated (I'm guessing somewhat like your theory), but they're not growing back quite straight yet, I'm guessing in a couple more growth cycles they'll be fine again.

And it can't be the 2 or 3 times weekly nizoral application drying and kinking them, because the back and sides don't do this.


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i've been on proscar for 9 months. for the first 3 months, about half the hair i would lose would be relatively thick and normal; the other half was short and thin. since then, everything i've lost is thin and short.


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Have you seen positive results?




Once I noticed I was thinning I had all sorts of hairs falling out but mainly long hairs with little pigmentation at the end (the end closest to the scalp). The hairs where funny shaped and brittle.

Today after almost four month (will be in just under two weeks) I hardly lose and hair at all but the hairs I do lose are often short, much shorter then my normal hair.

I agree, this is miniaturization. What I don´t know is why you "Deaner" think that the shorter hairs fall out because DHT is no longer present - why would this upset the hair follicle?

I think that - sure, no more DHT and my existing hair follicles will be ok - but why would they grow stronger? is there ANY evidence that hair follicles have gotten bigger after being miniaturized?

Ok that´s my 5 cents.

Peace out.


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hard to say brasileirao. some days my hair looks good and other days it looks the exactly the same as it did when i started 9 months ago. objectively?....i think my hair has thickened up a bit since starting nizoral. strangely though, my condition only looks "better" on nizoral days so it could very well be a cosmetic improvement and not physiological. at the end of the day i'm still very glad i'm popping those pills. I got some 9 month pictures coming up so i'll stick them in my story thread.


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Kevin fretwell

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Deaner said:
My only theory is that they're hairs that have been in atrophy or been dying for some time, and are now being rejuvinated (I'm guessing somewhat like your theory), but they're not growing back quite straight yet, I'm guessing in a couple more growth cycles they'll be fine again.

And it can't be the 2 or 3 times weekly nizoral application drying and kinking them, because the back and sides don't do this.

Finally I'm not the only one with kinky hair due to hairloss .As if hairloss wasn't bad enough you have to put up with kinkyness .I was thinking of buying a shampoo that was made to streighten kinky hair .I seen a couple at walmart the other day when I was browsing . Hey Deaner , hit your hairloss with four products "the big four" at least .


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Why would I hit it with 4 products, instead of just popping a pill and shampooing? My hairloss is nowhere near advanced, so no need throwing in Copper/Tin Peptides and minoxidil and sh*t.