New, Axe Pomade and styling paste, cause hairloss????


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I doubt its anything to do with the styling product.


However many hairs you find on your pilliow/sink ect it does'nt matter, all that matters is how the hair on your head looks.
Shedding is natural, Brad Pitt probably sheds 100's of hairs everyday but as long as the hairs on your head are still growing it does'nt matter.


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I'd agree with s.a.f.

The more hair you have the more you will lose, think Homer Simpson with his 3 hairs, he never lost any but he was still bald!

It's pretty unlikely that the styling product is causing baldness, bu if you shed every time you use it, and get other reactions like redness/irritation you might have a allergy to something in it? It'd be unusual but possible.

You could try just putting some on the bare skin behind you ear and leaving it there for 30mins, then check if its red at all, if it is, I'd stop using it as you are allergic to something in it.


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LeesHair said:
I'd agree with s.a.f.

The more hair you have the more you will lose, think Homer Simpson with his 3 hairs, he never lost any but he was still bald!

It's pretty unlikely that the styling product is causing baldness, bu if you shed every time you use it, and get other reactions like redness/irritation you might have a allergy to something in it? It'd be unusual but possible.

You could try just putting some on the bare skin behind you ear and leaving it there for 30mins, then check if its red at all, if it is, I'd stop using it as you are allergic to something in it.

I'm going to have to disagree. I've been using the product for about maybe two months now and my hair has thinned out considerably. So much so that it has gotten to the point of almost being patchy thin. There is definitely something wrong with this product. I have no history of male pattern baldness in my family. I'm actually thinking about consulting with a dermotologist about this. I've stopped using the product and am trying to figure out my next move. Is something like this generally temporary... is my hair going to come back?


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finfighter said:
Take some pictures of your hairloss and post them, it will give us a better Idea of whats going on, thanks!
I'll try to do that this afternoon. Thanks.


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Prior to this Axe business you couldn't even see my scalp. The path of the loss pretty much covers the path of application of the product for me. I can remember a few times when a glob of the stuff was on my scalp in the now loss areas. I really hope this is temporary and not something that is going to either get worse or never get better.


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finfighter said:
Dan1 said:
Prior to this Axe business you couldn't even see my scalp. The path of the loss pretty much covers the path of application of the product for me. I can remember a few times when a glob of the stuff was on my scalp in the now loss areas. I really hope this is temporary and not something that is going to either get worse or never get better.

Wow dude that's crazy! You know I started loosing a lot of hair when I used the axe pomade, and I figured that it was probably just a coincidence; but, now I'm seriously starting to wonder if this stuff really does cause hairloss for some people.
The thing is I'm just not sure why it would, if it does cause hairloss it must only be in a minority of the users otherwise this would be off the market by now. Thanks for your post man, maybe we are allergic to an ingrediant in the product, which axe pomade were you using? And are you sure that you never experianced hairloss or thinning before using this product?

I assure you that I've never experienced anything like this before which is why I noticed it relatively quickly. I was using the actual pomade product (purple container). I don't know whether it's caused by clogging of hair folicles or hair breakage because the pomade is so think. I pray that it's the breakage and not some chemical/ allergic reaction.


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How long ago did you stop using the product? Has your loss corrected itself or stayed permenantly?


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I'm not using the product anymore as of last week. I got online and ordered the product that I was using previously since it's no longer available here. I'm still considering seeking the advice of a dermotologist.


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Hey guys, first of all I want to thank you for starting this discussion. There may be more guys out there having the same problem. I've always had thick hair and never had any problem with hair loss or thinning. A few months ago I started to notice my hair thinning all over but noticeably in the front top of my head quite rapidly. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what may be causing it and I even went to the doctor to rule out any sort of disease or vitamin deficiency. I was left to believe that it was just male pattern baldness but I don't think it is. It wasn't until I started to think of any changes in my daily routine that may have contributed (diet, sleep, stress etc.) I have actually been using the Axe hair products for almost a year, but I started to notice the thinning shortly after I started using the paste. Before that I was using the cream and before that the pomade. I just stopped using it a few days ago so its too early to say but I'm hoping it starts to fill in.


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Drew34 said:
Hey guys, first of all I want to thank you for starting this discussion. There may be more guys out there having the same problem. I've always had thick hair and never had any problem with hair loss or thinning. A few months ago I started to notice my hair thinning all over but noticeably in the front top of my head quite rapidly. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what may be causing it and I even went to the doctor to rule out any sort of disease or vitamin deficiency. I was left to believe that it was just male pattern baldness but I don't think it is. It wasn't until I started to think of any changes in my daily routine that may have contributed (diet, sleep, stress etc.) I have actually been using the Axe hair products for almost a year, but I started to notice the thinning shortly after I started using the paste. Before that I was using the cream and before that the pomade. I just stopped using it a few days ago so its too early to say but I'm hoping it starts to fill in.

I did the same thing as you with the trying to assess changes in my daily routine and that was really the major one that I came up with. The timing lined up with about when I started using the product. I used to use La Bella brand pomade but the store that I buy it stopped carrying it so I switched to the AXE since it was new and seemed to fit the bill. Like I said, I stopped using it last week and am now hoping that the damage is reversible on it's own. If this helps someone then I'm glad. I really had to scower the internet to find something about this. I assume it's because it's a new product that maybe the inquiries haven't been very much. I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing more and more of this. My advice is to keep the unused portion for any future actions. I'll have to check the container for a phone number.


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finfighter said:
Drew34 said:
Hey guys, first of all I want to thank you for starting this discussion. There may be more guys out there having the same problem. I've always had thick hair and never had any problem with hair loss or thinning. A few months ago I started to notice my hair thinning all over but noticeably in the front top of my head quite rapidly. I've been going crazy trying to figure out what may be causing it and I even went to the doctor to rule out any sort of disease or vitamin deficiency. I was left to believe that it was just male pattern baldness but I don't think it is. It wasn't until I started to think of any changes in my daily routine that may have contributed (diet, sleep, stress etc.) I have actually been using the Axe hair products for almost a year, but I started to notice the thinning shortly after I started using the paste. Before that I was using the cream and before that the pomade. I just stopped using it a few days ago so its too early to say but I'm hoping it starts to fill in.

Well, that's interesting to know that it may be effecting other people as well, did you notice any hairloss before using this product, also how old are you?

I never noticed any visible thinning until about three months ago when I started using the paste instead of the cream. I've been using the Axe products since the beginning of this year but I don't use that much so maybe it just took that long to notice. It seemed to hit me all of the sudden though. I am 30 years old which is probably a common age to start thinning but I am going to discontinue using the Axe products and see what happens.


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Just to add more comments on the product, I too have been using the AXE paste for probably 9 months or more and have also noticed hair loss. I couldn't figure out what it was, because around the same time I also dyed my hair to get rid of the grays. I have a very thick head of hair (normally) and couldn't understand why I was losing much more hair in the shower, and attributed it to the hair color. However, many different stylists told me that it was very unlikely to be the case.

Sure enough, I tracked where my habits had changed and thought, what if it was the hair product? Never had this problem with American Crew paste. DO NOT USE AXE.

I did read on another board, however, that it seems like it will grow back. Apparently the paste contains a lot of chemicals that buildup on your scalp, and basically clog your pores. So, here's to hoping it grows back. Good luck all!


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Any1 have any updates on their hair recovery and how long it took for their hair to grow back?

I just noticed that my hair was thinning considerably and wondered what could be the problem since hair loss/thinning is not a problem in my family. Thats when i noticed that my hair had started thinning just after using the pomade for about a week(and thats that i did not use the pomade daily, probably once 4 times during the span of 7days...)


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Well it seems I need to eat humble pie. Or my hat. Or some kind of amazing pie-hat combination. (Does anyone else think a pie hat sounds tasty?..)

In all seriousness I think you guys should thinka bout taking the products to a trichologist/dermatologist for an opinion, you may well have discovered something important.

Just to check none of you have noticed any redness or itchiness at all?

I don't believe the pore blocking theory, otherwise where are all the ingrown hairs? But it could be something in the product causing a chemical reaction. Or if as you say it's really thick and reverses when you stop it could be like traction alopecia?


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PLEASE! Someone help- CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT vs. AXE Products?

TODAY, someone mentioned that I had a bald spot which I've NEVER had.
I'm one of four boys that have all had alapecia EXCEPT MYSELF.
I was told that if by 25 or 30, you didn't start balding, then it probably wouldn't happen. I have a FULL, THICK head of hair and always have.
I started using AXE product about two months ago, but realized immediately that if I didn't shower and get it out before bedtime, that I got huge red rashes on my head, not to mention scabs that stuck to my hair. Normally, I'm not one to re-use a product like this, but, since my skin is allergic to everything, AND, I realized that the pheremones in this product actually WORKED to draw the attention and interest of females, I continued to use it in small doses.
ANYHOW, I made a VERY BAD decision to use it the other night around a gal I like, and didn't get home early or sober enough to shower the product out. I could feel the burn when I woke up and showered & shampooed.
THIS EVENING at work, someone mentioned that I had a bald spot, which I've never had. I went home to check it out and SUDDENLY I HAVE A HUGE BALD SPOT where my collick used to be. IT'S LARGER THAN A SILVER DOLLAR, yet the rest of my hair is ridiculously thick everywhere else. I think I'd have noticed it start to disappear, or hairs falling out. When I did a search on Axe + hairloss, there is enough out there to shut them down and pay a small fortune!!
WILL SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME ON THIS? Reply, start a class action lawsuit, tell me it'll grow back, SOMETHING? Please?!!!!


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I was told the same, if I had all my hair up till the age of 35, I'd be OK.
That's UTTER crap. Trust me! I had it till 40. And at 45, it's deteriorated in just one year.


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I started using the paste and then the pomade about 5 months ago. I have lost a TON of hair and my scalp constantly itches and hairs fall out. I made an appointment with a dermetologist but it is not until June so I thought I would do some digging. This is a major problem. I am also researching the ingredients. I have somwhat of a receding hairline but nothing like what is going on. Big patches of hair missing now. I will post after the doctors appt. I pray this grows back.


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Now, I've been using the axe pomades for quite a while now (about 5 months) and I haven't really experienced hair loss. But again, that's just with me.


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wow...just happened to stumble upon this thread and have been using this product a few months prior to discovering patchy thinning on my crown where I used to put copious amounts of the pomade.

Any updates from any past users after dropping the product?


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I just came across this thread because I was searching Axe hair loss. I'm 29 years old and have incredibly thick hair (including a full beard). Based on that and my genetics, I figured I'd never to go bald. I've used hair product since middle school and switched to axe (mostly the paste) about 6 months ago. I was so pleased with the value and effectiveness of the product, however about 3 months into using it I began notice hair falling out in the shower and I now have alopecia (about 2 square inches where absolutely no hair grows) on the left side of my beard. I never applied hair product to my beard of course, but the timing just seems uncanny. No history of alopecia in either side of my family. I stopped using the Axe a few days ago and hope my beard will be full again soon. Anyone who stopped using the product have updates?