New guy with a perfect regimen.



I just wanted to say whats up to everyone on this site for this is my first time posting a topic (2nd time visiting). This kinda feels like an A.A. meating or something because we have all gathered here because we have a problem and we want to fix it.

Hi, I'm Matt and I am a Hairaholic. I'm 21 and currently a Noorwood 1.8

Check out my regimen and see what you think (open for advice). I think this is the best possible regimen anyone could do to fight hairloss. I began this regimen about 3 months ago and it is working wonders.

I slowly built up my regime so that my growth phases where out of phase and more natural. I'll probobly drop the procerin after its all gone. I know people say it dosen't work but theres a lot of ingredients in procerin that I see people taking as a suppplement like the SP, ect. I believe Saw Palmetto to block Type 1 only which does block dht but does nothing for hairloss especially on its own. This is why you can have the same side effects as finasteride and dutasteride. besides, your suposed to take 3 a day and I take one.


come again now mate, does that mean it sucks. We'll see who has hair in 2010.


come again now mate, does that mean it sucks. We'll see who has hair in 2010.


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I see that you practice meditation as well... Although many people would find it complete bogus and there is (up to this point) no scientific evidence (to my knowledgde) that meditation would improve hair(growth), but I really think it can make a difference, since it reduces stress/anxiety/depression which can result in a declined condition of yar hair and maybe you could meditate on lowering your DHT-levels and so on(or grow hair like those super-saiyan dudes from DBZ... uhm, that would be cool woudnt it :D ... alrighty, perhaps this is asking too much, but it never hurts to try, non?)

Back to battle...


I'll tell you what, dont plan on growing hair through just meditation, in fact that would be hipicritical to seek an end in something like growing hair or setting youself on fire. Its not the act that effects, you could say it just effects whether the act is there or not. hope this clears an confusion.


in essence you cannot believe and for that matter prove anything that isn't really there like meditation. its more of an event celebrated by an individual then a tangeble medium that can be seen, touched or heard. Thought also fall under this non real medium. the medium for a thought is whats scientifically proven.


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Your regimine may be a bit overkill.

I'm a newbie to hair loss too.. not sure if I'm even on the Norwood scale yet, but I have thinning at my vertex. No true bald spots yet, just thinning and I can feel a difference when I run my hands through my hair... my scalp could use some filling in on the crown/vertex only.

I would drop the minoxidil, and just go with the propecia for now, see how you respond to that first..


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I might be a scientific a**h**, yet I know meditation is valid. Few people understand enough about the mind body connection to either dismiss or validate whether meditation would help.
To answer this you would have to look directly at the mind body connection. For example, few people really understand the placebo effect. However, it exists, people curing themselves due to a belief. I'm not much for religion, but understanding motivation is crucial to maximizing your healing potential. Little interesting ancedote about the mind body connection from someone with split personality disorder.
While is personality 1, this person had scars. While in personality 2, the scars went away. Sound fantastic, it is. Especially if you take into account that this is one of thousands and thousands of cases similar to this.
Now, I'm not saying meditation or correct thought will cure baldness, but if you listen to the negative attitudes expressed by some people when they are ill (i.e. losing their hair), it is no wonder their condition worsens.
The body listens to what we are saying, even if we don't.


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Mind over matter ?

or Paxil over mind ?


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Dude you limit the amount of ejaculations a week? Haha what do you tell the lady friend you have over that you've already reached 4 ejaculations this week so she must go?

You're regimen is intensive and all-encompassing though, pretty damn solid. Keep us posted with results.