New here... My story and a few questions.


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So I started to notice my hair was thinning at the vertex about 2 1/2 years ago (at 19) and I immediately started taking Propecia. It seemed to work like a charm because no one ever noticed anything and I could tell that my hair seemed thicker and I stopped noticing hairs in the shower. Only recently did I start to notice the thinning again. I've been careless sometimes with the Propecia (sometimes forgetting to take it for a few days) when I notice that it thins out again. But it tends to bounce back after a few weeks of daily dosage. So here I am 22 with a full head of hair, but a thin vertex (you can see my scalp).

Thats my story, here's my question.
I've been examing my scalp and I cant see any true blad spots, but rather a diffusion all over my head - It's still very slight. I thought male pattern baldness was called such because it had a distinct pattern. I dont get it. Anyone else around with a similar problem? Just general diffusion? I've always had fine hair, but now its really starting to thin out.

Second question:
Does anyone here run or do daily aerobic activity? I cant see how aerobic activity wouldnt make a difference in healthy hair. It increases circulation, helps detox the body, and builds a healthier heart.
Every talks about the medication regimen they are on, but maybe we should include more information like fitness and such.



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Not to be rude or anything, but did you even read the other posts? We're pretty much all experiencing what's called "diffuse thinning", easily the worst part of male pattern baldness. Right now I'm just trying to get back the hair I had @ 16 :( Maybe in a couple months...


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I didnt really read all that much, sorry. But I'm more interested in the success stories that we've heard and their relation to areobic activity. I dont know how many of you have desk jobs with little or no activity, but does anyone else think that there might be a link?

I noticed my hair thinning when I moved out of the house, stopped eating well (didnt know how to cook) and was very lazy and inactive. Then I started taking the propecia and running daily as well as eating healthier and noticed a huge difference. Only now again am I noticing that as my activity level has decreased that I am thinning again.

The shedder

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If your extremely malnourished I could see a reason for hairloss and that would be the least of your problems. I workout and my hair is thinning, its probably all genetics because you could see an overweight person with a full head of hair and even a skinny person with hair, you could thank your family tree for the male pattern baldness i suppose, even though some people do have male pattern baldness with no family history, go figure.


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20sometingtoo said:
I didnt really read all that much, sorry. But I'm more interested in the success stories that we've heard and their relation to areobic activity. I dont know how many of you have desk jobs with little or no activity, but does anyone else think that there might be a link?

I noticed my hair thinning when I moved out of the house, stopped eating well (didnt know how to cook) and was very lazy and inactive. Then I started taking the propecia and running daily as well as eating healthier and noticed a huge difference. Only now again am I noticing that as my activity level has decreased that I am thinning again.


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sorry-first time trying save a post-

im a desk job slave-10hours a day on my *** behind a comp. and im a diffuse thinner and i rarely sweat-only on weekend when cutting the lawn or stuff like that. so the answer in my no-doesnt matter. dht is the cause of hair loss.