I am 27 years old and my hair has been thinning/shedding for about a year. I was diagnosed with Crohn's diesase end of 04. I have read that sugeries/trauma can cause hair to shed. I have been to two dermatologists. Both said I have Androgenetic Alopecia and Teflogen Afluvium. I also had a low iron count and have got that up and it still has not helped the shedding. I am talking vitamins to help my hair grow. All of my blood tests have seemed normal...but my gynecologist is going to check my androgen levels. She also mentioned spiranolactone. Does anyone have experience with this drug? Also out of curiosity, how many of you have been diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia and know a woman in their family who has it? There are no women in my family that have it and it is supposed to be genetic. Has anyone used Rogaine and then stopped and had their hair get worse? This is my fear of using it. Any advice is much appreciated!