New member - my regimen, will post results


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Hey guys,
Been reading the forum for a little while now, but this is my first post. Been receding for about 3 yrs slowly and a little diffuse thinning, mostly in front. Anyway, I've been using minoxidil all over once a day and nizoral 3x/wk for a year or so, but haven't really had much regrowth results. I'm about a Norwood 2.5 or so.... and I've pretty much kept the same hair since I started using the minoxidil and nizoral. I just added a couple things in the past week or so hoping to regrow more. I added Xandrox 12.5%, spironolactone 5%, and Amer. Crew. CU. I'm using them in the order: minoxidil, wait a few minutes, Xandrox, wait a few minutes, spironolactone, wait a few minutes, then Am. Crew after all that has time to settle in. All of this before bed. I will post results every so often on here, and hope if anyone has advice for me let me know!!


That's a lot of sh*t you have to put on your hair each day. I just take finasteride and that's all. If it goes it goes...