New regimen addition to combat the side effects of finasteride

The shedder

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Well, I've been using finasteride for a little over 6 months and I had experienced side effects ( foggy, tired, irritable, generally spaced out) and I decided to take tribulus bark to give it a shot to boost my testosterone naturally. I had used tribulus once before but I was on too many supplements to decipher if it was tribulus giving me gains in the gym.

I've been on tribulus bark for about a month now and my energy and vigor has returned. I'm not as tired and I'm making good solid gains in the gym. And I think it has helped restore my libido quite a bit. Even if it is a placebo effect, I'll happily pay 10 Dollars a month to manipulate my mind.

In short, anyone who is dealing with side effects or want a natural way to increase test levels by way of lutenizing hormones give it a shot. It's very cheap and don't need a prescription. I also added saw palmetto to stop the conversion of excess testosterone into DHT (notice I didn't say scalp DHT) Good luck.

Heres a site explaining a little bit about tribulus ... -facts.htm


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hey shedder

When you say dizzy and spaced out, do you mean your mind wasn't as sharp and you felt like you had a 'dumbing effect' from the finasteride?

I am interested in this herb you mention

cheers dude


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but mate... your testosterone levels are already high because of finasteride!

For those who do biochemistry already know this, but adding more testoestrone into your body will result in more DHT produced. Equilibrium my fellow brothers.. equilibrium.

The shedder

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Yes, i was referring to the side effect considered the "dumbing effect" sorry for the bland description of my symptoms.

Rage well, not necessarily. The extra testosterone may not be a problem considering some people doing numerous cycles of steroids have not had male pattern baldness due to the extra hormones in their body. And in my previous experience with tribulus I was not losing any hair and since being on it my hairloss is still the same. And the saw palmetto should block the formation of DHT well, but not the DHT that causes hairloss. And also finasteride is supposed to cause a rise of 10-15% testosterone as well. It may be a factor if it accelerates my hairloss, I'll keep you guys updated.[/i]


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Me no understand, what the hell are you doing? Adding Tribulis increases your testosterone levels thus increasing conversion to DHT. You may be limiting your DHT conversion by adding Fina but increasing test just negates that effect. I used to take Pro hormones but stopped very quickly, look at it this way it better to have hair and smaller biceps than big biceps and no hair.

Kevin fretwell

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Fellas,fellas,order in the court,order in the court .I have your solution just look at my regime .The dutasteride topical with certainly keep dht from effecting hair .


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What makes you think your dutasteride topical will have any sort of systemic effect? Last I checked, those topicals (dutasteride and finasteride) don't work. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


hair mchair

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drinkrum said:
What makes you think your dutasteride topical will have any sort of systemic effect? Last I checked, those topicals (dutasteride and finasteride) don't work. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I think Bryan said the reports about topical finasteride are all across the board, ie. inconclusive. I'm not sure what his feelings were regarding topical dutasteride.

Btw, drinkrum, did you say in another thread you're using Femara? How is that working out for you?

Kevin fretwell

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The finasteride I'm taking takes care of the sytemics while the dutasteride topical is concentrated in the scalp skin for added protection while I take tribulus herb for added testosterone levels for hair stimulation .The ironic part is test encourages growth while dht dampens growth .Even though I have high levels of test very little of that will be able to impact the follicle .finasteride by itself would not be effective enough to stop the conversion .


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hair mchair said:
drinkrum said:
What makes you think your dutasteride topical will have any sort of systemic effect? Last I checked, those topicals (dutasteride and finasteride) don't work. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.


I think Bryan said the reports about topical finasteride are all across the board, ie. inconclusive. I'm not sure what his feelings were regarding topical dutasteride.

Btw, drinkrum, did you say in another thread you're using Femara? How is that working out for you?

Nope, I have Arimidex. I have mixed feelings about it -- nothing conclusive.



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Kevin fretwell said:
The finasteride I'm taking takes care of the sytemics while the dutasteride topical is concentrated in the scalp skin for added protection while I take tribulus herb for added testosterone levels for hair stimulation .The ironic part is test encourages growth while dht dampens growth .Even though I have high levels of test very little of that will be able to impact the follicle .finasteride by itself would not be effective enough to stop the conversion .

I'm sorry but I don't understand your logic. I honestly think the dutasteride topical is having no impact on your hair. Dutasteride and finasteride both work the same way and I don't think either of them has any effect applied topically.

Where do you get that testosterone stimulates hair growth? What makes you think the extra testosterone from tribulus will not be converted into DHT? And by the way, what makes you think tribulus actually does anything? And what makes you think finasteride is not effective enough to stop the conversion as finasteride is a very potent drug?

If I were you, I'd just stick with finasteride pills and avoid the snake-oils.


Kevin fretwell

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Dutasteride is hardly a "snake oil" and is well known to prevent dht .Its obsurd of you to even talk of dutasteride being a "snake oil" and NO I don't think dutasteride helps growth and YES tribulus is well known to encourage a precursor to Test (I can't recall its name at the moment)which you can find alot of solid info on thus . Also the blister pack that dutasteride comes in says "dutasteride is absorbed through the skin and should not be handled by pregnant women." Am I to believe your ranting over a pharmacutical company?Where do you think the dutasteride goes when it absorbs in the skin?Outer space somewhere?NO it finds its way into the blood stream especially if your using min which increases blood flow in the scalp .Besides isn't it the goal of this forum to advance the treatment through posting results of regimes which includes unique approaches as well?Shall we stay in the stone age because thats where hair treatments are at the moment .According to you every one should just stick with finasteride and thats it .The wright brothers should have stuck with building bikes according to you .The truth hurts like a b**ch .


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No need to become defensive buddy. If your "new-age" regime can't handle some gentle scrutiny, it's not worth talking about. Instead, you should be thankful that I'm putting in the time to inquire about your regime rather than being insecure and upset.

My point is that for a finasteride/dutasteride topical to be effective, it must be absorbed systemically (it can't do its job otherwise). Thus, there would be no difference, if the topicals were wholly systemic, if you ingested them via pill form.

Here is an article that shows topical finasteride exerts systemic effects: http://www.fernand.labrie.crchul.ulaval ... ub/252.htm. Notice the decrease in prostate and semical vessle size. Thus, your dutasteride topical might exert systemic effects (or might not work) and you might be better off just taking it orally. Also, if you decide to take dutasteride orally, you wouldn't need finasteride.

My point about tribulus is that if it works as you said and increases testosterone, it will have _negative_ effects on your hair loss and _counteract_ your taking finasteride/dutasteride. More testosterone will lead to more DHT, which as you know, is bad for hair.


hair mchair

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I agree with drinkrum. If you think topical dutasteride is absorbed systemically, then why not use it orally? Further, how can you even tell if topical dutasteride is working for you if you are also using finasteride? If you get regrowth, you'll never know whether or not any can be attributed it to the topical dutasteride, because it could just be the oral finasteride working for you. I'm not trying to sound like a dick, so don't get defensive, but what you are doing doesn't sound very scientific.