New Regimen: finasteride + dutasteride + spironolactone?? Am I Crazy?


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Yeah I'm Crazy.

I'm making the switch to dutasteride. I just got some Dr. Reddy's gel caps in the mail. They look pretty legit. However, because it takes about 3 months for Dutrasteride to build up in the system here is my transition Plan.

Month 1: Finasteride Daily, Dutrasteride 3 days a week
Month 2: Finasteride 4/5 days a week, Dutrasteride 4
Month 3: Finasteride 3 days a week, Dutrasteride daily.

Also I'm using spironolactone 1 or 2 times daily.

Also I use Folligen 3 times a week.



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I've read allot of positive posts with people who have succesfully made the transition from finasteride to dutasteride. Infact a few of the people claimed to have only responded to treatments once beginning dutasteride so I guess you do have something to be hopeful about..

Why do you feel it's neccessary to continue finasteride once you've made the conversion to dutasteride?

I know you just recently dropped minoxidil. Do you think it may be beneficial for you to keep it, so that you have a follicle stimulator. After all with spironolactone, finasteride, and dutasteride you are going a little dht inhibitor crazy. I think you can achieve more of a balance with say, spironolactone, dutasteride, minoxidil, folligen.

That's just my 2 cents though.


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As far as adding and removing items to your regime I think it can only make things worse. I believe that one should stick with a regime for at least a year before making changes. Of course, if there is absolute certainty that its not working for you I think then you re-evaluate what your currently using. Adding and removing items can only prolong sheds and increase the probabilty of side-effects, its like your always starting a new regime and your body is always trying to adjust. Having said all this, you seem to have been using finasteride for quite sometime so maybe its time for this chance. Personally I wouldnt do it, but some drugs work better for others so give it a try and see what happens.



Damn, thats a lot of DHT blocking. Good luck to you bomb. Just say no to b**ch tits. :lol:


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Bomb, I'm fairly certain I've read that dutasteride takes about two weeks to build up to its maximum in your system so, with that in mind, you might want to shorten your switchover plan. Though personally I just stopped taking finasteride and started straight up with the dutasteride.



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To answer some questions:

I used minoxidil for 11 months with no regrowth, only continued loss. That's why i did away with it. Now i wish i hadn't because i'm shedding like mad.

I have been on a pretty solid regimen for 1 year.
The first 6 months were finasteride & minoxidil & nizoral
From month 8-12 I added folligen because of irritation
From month 9-12 I used spironolactone because of continued loss.

I'm wondering if spironolactone is hurting my cause at this point to.

Bryan showed a graph where it showed the the dosage of dutasteride becoming constant at 3 months. I'm not sure about buildup. I will be discontinuing finasteride after month 3 however.

No side from finasteride so why not dutasteride.


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Hey, it may take dutasteride 3 months or so for it to build up to the FULL "steady-state" level, but that doesn't mean that it's not significantly reducing DHT much sooner than that!! Without digging up all my charts and graphs again, I'd estimate that dutasteride would probably be at about the same level of DHT reduction as finasteride after only about two or three doses.

When switching from finasteride to dutasteride, just use up your last finasteride, then start taking dutasteride the next day. That's all that's necessary. Don't make a big production out of it! :)



Maybe the spironolactone could have set you back because every time you add some new treatment in your regimen you run the chance of a new shed. I have noticed a lot of guys really start noticing improvments in their hair mostly between the 6-12 months of finasteride. Perhaps when you added the spironolactone, you were about to really notice something from the finasteride, but then you shed. Just a thought.


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wow.. all that for something that may not work. all the money you're spending. the sh*t we can buy for the money we spend on all this crap


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hey bomb, sorry to hear nothing worked for you. my crown is still thinning after 18 months of the big 3, and my front is still slightly going. I've even been on the xandrox %15 for the past 6 months with no luck. how much does dutasteride cost a month? i might try it.


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Ams99 said:
hey bomb, sorry to hear nothing worked for you. my crown is still thinning after 18 months of the big 3, and my front is still slightly going. I've even been on the xandrox %15 for the past 6 months with no luck. how much does dutasteride cost a month? i might try it.

I paid 120 including shipping for 90 generic dutrasteride capsules.

Bryan, thanks for the advice. I will probably still use finasteride for the first 2 weeks, then, and move off to dutasteride. Could you please tell me what you think of my regimen at this point? I feel like i've really screwed up. I did the big three thing for 9 months straight and when i steadily thinned I added spironolactone. At month 11 I dropped minoxidil because of continued irritation, which has decreased dramatically after i discontinued. I definitely shed from that.

What would your advice be for the next 3 months? I gave finasteride 13 months in hopes my thinning would slow. 11 of those months were minoxidil & finasteride and all that was different is I was thinning slower when i was on minoxidil. Thats why I bought some dutasteride.

I'm really at a turning point where my hair is getting really bad. If you were me and you had come this far, what would you do?

Kevin fretwell

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I think I read that dutasteride takes 2 weeks at 5mg which is a big dose but at 1mg your looking at more like a couple of months .But if you have been taking finasteride for a four months , one mg will drop the dht down to dutasteride levels (finasteride trials page 109) .So with that in mind your going to want to switch over to dutasteride and stop finasteride totally because its not needed .As for side effects go the stats say dutasteride users have just a little bit of a % raise for risk .