new regimine?


New Member
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i am 24 and have been experiencing hair-loss since i was 18. i regulated it 2 years ago by starting propecia. now i am beginning to eat well and take supplements and was wondering what people's opinion of my vitamin regimen are, and if there is anything i should add, or take away. id like to maintain my hair, possibly make it healthier/grow some back

biotin 5000mcg
inosotil/choline 250/250
saw palmetto 450mg
niacin (dont remember dosage)

is there anything i can add or take away?


Experienced Member
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- One capsule of BCM-95 Curcumin taken with largest meal only

- Ecklonia cava extract, one 400 milligram capsule morning and evening.

- Today's Cod Liver Oil contains low levels of Vitamin D. The remaining few
that have enough Vitamin D are quite expensive. The alternative to Cod Liver Oil is
Krill Oil. Take a thousand milligrams of Krill Oil once or twice per day.

- Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2, take once or twice per day depending on seasonality and
latitude (i.e, Nothern latitude take two, take more when there is less sun).

- 1000 milligrams per meal; target three times daily Acetyl L-Carnitine (ALC)*
see notes below.

- 100 milligrams per meal Bio-Enhanced Na-RALA*
see notes below.

- 5,000 (5 milligrams) of Biotin (essential if Lipoic Acid is used).

This is the Drug-free regimen proposed on Immortal While I cannot directly vouch for this regimen because I haven't actually used it, I can see how it could be quite beneficial for your hair. Seriously, though I highly reccomend cutting down on Propecia to at least .25mg. This isn't coming from a health nut, just a normal guy like you. Your body needs it. As I discovered the hard way or should I say the soft way if you know what I mean.. :whistle: