New shampoo for inflammation


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I got this stuff Polytar. Chemist recommended it highly. Its to be used everyday aswell as nizoral. Anyone exp with this stuff?


Experienced Member
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It's coal tar, just like T-gel. I loved T-gel while I used it, smelled a bit though.

Also, some claim it has carciogenic properties.


Established Member
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Haven't used that no, but like decro used to use T-Gel sometimes. My general problem is it did stop dandruff, yay! But didn't stop my scalp feeling dry and itchy, i.e. stop inflammation.

What's Polytar got in it that's anti-inflammatory?
If you use it with nizoral (well known for anti-dandruff and inflammation) how can you tell it works, sound like your chemist is selling you a line?

(I don't need answer to the next one) Why the hell did they call it Polytar? It sounds like the sort of thing you'd make a racetrack from, or a really fact super-modern road!? :jackit: