new study. on the defective genes .


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Funny you post this. I was just thinking about how close we may be to identifying what genes cause baldness. this article makes it seem like we're not that close. seeing how gene modification is becoming easier and easier once the genes are identified the repair could be made. problem is we still don't know which genes are the defective ones


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Funny you post this. I was just thinking about how close we may be to identifying what genes cause baldness. this article makes it seem like we're not that close. seeing how gene modification is becoming easier and easier once the genes are identified the repair could be made. problem is we still don't know which genes are the defective ones

Repair them all!


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how far?


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gene therapy will not be possible for common diseases like hairloss.too dangerous.

gene therapy will be for extremecases like babies who could otherwise face rare developmental diseases.

Yeah I agree. I do think some day maybe not in our lifetimes it might be possible. Not anytime soon


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You don't know any of that. There are always people like you at any given time period claiming something will not be possible and then we turn them into laughing stock decades later.