new (thinning) guy needs your help....


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hey guys,

Here's my story-

I'm 27 and started thinning around my crown area about 6 months ago. There has been absolutely no thinning of my front hairline. It started with a very small area right on my crown and has grown over this period to any area of about 2 inches by 2 inches.

The remainder of my hair grows very quickly (it always has - I need a haircut every 2-3 weeks). I've found that by taking my hair quite short and by going to an excellent hairdresser, that the thin patch can be somewhat 'disguised'. The thin patch seems to look much worse when under lights or if it is particularly sunny day.

I do not ever notice any hair 'falling out', I never notice any after combing and never notice any on my pillow or in the bath/shower after bathing/showering. It seems to very gradual thinning really.

Anyway, basically, I don't like it and want to try and fix it!

What can you guys recommend I do/take? I am on a fairly tight budget so if you recommend drugs they're going to have to be generics. I am open to trying anything, be it drugs, diet, exercise, shampoos, herbs etc etc.

Comments/advice/opinions are extremely welcome from all of the group
Many thanks in advance
Paul Ryan


Established Member
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I'm also 27 and I feel your pain...i have almost exactly what you have with a some receding occuring at the front hairline. It blows..anyways

There's some great tips on here and after spending some time you should find that a lot of people are using the BIG 3 combo..


Also rotating t-gel in with the nizoral is recommended


Established Member
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for a tight budget:

Topical spironolactone 2%, folligen, kirkland 5% minoxidil and nizoral shampoo

Also, see my link below: running to save your hair.


Senior Member
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Start simple....Try 5% generic minoxidil to start with. That may be all you need. However if you want a great combo. Start on the "big 3" which is
5% minoxidil 2x a day
Nizoral shampoo 3x a week.

finasteride can be bought cheap as proscar. It's the same thing as Propecia but in a higher dose(5mg). Then just cut it into four or five equal size pieces.

Generic 5% minoxidil is cheap

Nizoral is like $15 a bottle but it will last you a few months.

Search this site...go to the home page and read some articles to hepl you understand more about hair loss.

Last bit of advice....stay away from all products thought to be a scam.
If it sounds too good to be true.....It is.


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thanks for your replies & help guys.

Been researching Propecia/Proscar and it sounds very promising, but there seem to be an overwelming number of vendors out there!

Where is the best online place to get good quality P but at cheap prices? Also, they must be preferably UK based (or at least willing to ship here).

Thanks again guys