
New to board, review my regimen


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First off, this site is great. Thanks for all the people who have spent long hours doing research and making it available for others. My story is all to common, I began noticing my hairline inch up probably when I was 17.. At 18 I noticed thinning in the front, and that's what it all started. I used to have such thick hair, the barbor would always have to use those special thinning scissors (those were the days).. Now I guess I am a Norwood 3, no hairline to speak off. Hard to define my hair, I should take pictures.. I have hair covering the scalp, not a comb over, but lacks thickness and form... argh.. I guess if i didnt have such thick hair before, it would be gone or look worse by now... anyway ive had denial and then binged on treatments only to quit time and time again. It looks like I'm moving out of the country, and this is an opportunity to start over, so I wish to attack my hairloss, inprove my scal then go in for some transplants. I am in arizona which is home to sharon keene (shapiro partner) im sure i will end up going one day.. for now I want to give a regmin a real try. Failing my regimen was like any other task, so following this will hopefully lead to better habits in other aspects of life as well. Anyway here we go

1mg Propecia Daily
minoxidil 5% twice daily.ill probably cheat on this and only do it 1 once a day some times, is this bad?
Folligen Spray. I have blond hair, so the blond formula looks promising, however it doesnt have copper, it has tin or something else.. not sure if this as good, will stick with main formula
Lasercomb. I have owned this thing for a year now, never sticking to it. I can attest it seems to improve my overall scalp condition and does make my hair seem more manageable. After much research I believe it does imrpove scalp condition. Not sure about regrowth, but the healthier the scalp the better. I already own it, so I may as well use it.

Shampoo/Conditioner: This is a tough one, I need to shampoo my hair daily, or it becomes oily and unmanageable fairly quickly. I want to use Dr lee's nizoral 2% formula a few days a week. For normal days im not sure, currently im using american crew revitalize (which i guess is just tricomin?) I actually like the stuff, it leaves my scalp nice, and my hair easily manageable. I have fair skin so im prone to irritation easily. Anyway I guess i could continue to use this stuff, anyone have a good daily recommendation? Any other comments, thanks.


Sounds good. Not sure about the folligen that you say has no copper in it, everybody around here has achieved healthier scalp using the regular spray which does contain copper. It is applied once daily by most at night, unless you are gettin some :) Some people use it twice a day but I think they wash it out before gonig to work.

You should consult a physician before gonig on propecia. You may want to get 2 to 3 hormone profiling blood tests before you start on it. If you experince side effects while on propecia (or after you quit) you would appreciate having your baseline hormone profile so that you can compare and determinbe what is happening. The current consensus seems to be that between 2% and 30% of people using propecia experience side effects. Slight loss of libido or wieght gain normally either goes away or is not bad enough to make people stop. Complete impotence or gyno symptoms are an alarm to see you docotor immediately and then have him take you off the drug.


I have had two failures and one success in the battle with hairloss. First time, several years ago, I tried 2% minoxidil for about 6 months then quit due to poor results. Then 5% for 6 months, added propecia, and quit again due to poor results. I consider that my first failed treatment period.

Right now I am in my thus far second failed treatment period. I started in March and have switched around my regimen so many times and added so many things that each change or additional product has caused me to go into a shed and I have poor results.

The one period I had success was after my first failure. I said, "Screw this! I'm not doing this anymore! I'm just going to take propecia and if it slows my hairloss then great and if not then screw it I am going to keep taking it!" So I pursued this regimien without giving it a second thought for about a year and a half while continuing to bald (so I thought). Then something bizzare happened, after about a year and a half I realized that I had good hair again and was satisfied.

My point is not that propecia is good and other products are bad. My point is that I beleive the original advice given to us when we enter this battle - It takes about a year to egt an idea of what the treatment is going to accomplish. Any observations in the interim are of questionable value. This is also the first piece of advice that I throw out the window because I can see things happening with my hair month to month and I expect that at any moment there will be a dramatic change, when the real changes are mostly gradual in nature.


Folligen shampoo and consitioner. Use the conditioner maybe twice a week. Shampoo is very mild, very nice. Use as often as you need.

Good luck


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Add some internal supps like Green Tea, Grape Seed. Biotin. Arginine and MSM, it should really help.


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Thanks for all the replies. This is from Folligens website, regarding the folligen for blondes formulation.

"Folligen for Blondes

Folligen for Blondes is a lotion with Tin-Peptides. These do not have the “greeningâ€￾ actions on blond hair that can occur with copper peptides. We have had a number of good reports on improving hair growth with this system but do not know if this will work for everyone."

Not sure if anyone can comment on this. I would rather use the original formula, and see if it makes my hair some crazy color, before using a different formula. Bruce, I'm glad you said i could use the folligen shampoo/conditioner daily, I desperately njeed a good shampoo that I can use daily.

As for propecia, I have been taking it on and off for years. It's hard to say if i noticed side effects, I think the most i ever took it daily for was close to 6 months. I never noticed a loss of libido, I am 22 and horny as ever. As for getting chubby, well I have been eating without regard at times, and that sems to be connected my minor weight gain.

As for minoxidil, I share your concerns. I hope it works for me, I have never been good at applying topical solutions, and i know if I start seeing shedding on the minoxidil, I will begin to lose faith. However, I will stay the course this time. Here is the regimen plan for the first year. I will be purchasing a digi cam, and will take before shots, and post them.

Regimen plan for the year:

Shampoo/Conditioner: Folligen & Dr lees nizoral formula every few days
Propecia 1mg
minoxidil 5%
Folligen spray (should i use lotion on hairline, what hairline heh)
Random herbs and stuff

I have hope, mainly because I have treated my hair lik eshit for its existence. Even when I had great hair I could never style it properly, it's always been a hate relationship, and when it began to fall out, it was a real I HATE relationship. Anyway, considering my absortion of cigarettes, marijuana and a generally unhealthy lifestyle, I still have some hair left. With some regrowth, I may never have my hairline back, but If i could get a thick patch thing and get overall shape back, I will be happy.


Instead of minoxidil 5% maybe you should try

Xandrox 5% with azelaic acid. Its stronger than regular minoxidil 5% and the azelaic acid will block 50-60 percent of DHT in areas applied. Give you a little extra kick.

You can also try Xandrox 5% nightime solution with Retin-A but I really dont know about that.

And redbone, what does argininne do? I use Biotin, Super green tea extract, and hair vitamins right now and the hair vitamins have arginniene in it. What is arginnine and what does it do for your hair?


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I have heard good things about xandrox. I want to go with what works, since xandrox contains minoxidil plus some other good stuff, this shouldn't be a problem. Would there be any reason to not use xandrox compared with normal minoxidil?


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Japanbound said:
I have heard good things about xandrox. I want to go with what works, since xandrox contains minoxidil plus some other good stuff, this shouldn't be a problem. Would there be any reason to not use xandrox compared with normal minoxidil?

I think you should see what regular minoxidil can do for 6 months first. If only because xandrox costs twice as much as Lee's regular minoxidil (about 5 times as much as generic minoxidil), with questionable added benefit. You'll already have dht covered with propecia so why not keep it as simple as possible.

BTW, I have read posters who've had success using minoxidil 1 x daily, but I think twice is optimal.


Yea thats true. Also Xandrox with retin-A can cause skin flaking for the first couple times u use it so people like me are hesitant 2 try it. Although, the flaking is supposed 2 be good.


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Thanks for all the replies. I think I have decided to make some modifications. I am a little sketchy on minoxidil, and am going to try out Lion 6 BAP exclusively to see how it works. I will use propecia to maintain, and lasercomb to hopefully produce growth. If I do get good growth in my receding spots, I think I will be able to attian it to the lion 6 bap product. Anyway, I will try this out for 6 months and see where I am at then. If it doesn't work, I will be using the Big 3 with some folligen added in.