New to site: need advice and have some questions


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I am 34 years old and have been loosing my hair since my early 20s. I have had excellent results with Rogaine. I have been using religiously for 12 years and it has helped me maintain a decent hairline. However, within the last 6 months, my hairline has receded more and also having some balding in my crown. I just started using Propecia. I am probably a Norwood 2 moving to 2.5

Here are my questions....

1. does anyone know the progression of balding? I know it is dependent on genetics but I have heard it levels off at 40 when testosterone levels decrease.

2. Has anyone experienced regrowith from propecia or a stoppage of balding?

3. is there a significant difference between using Rogaine 2 or 1 time per day?

Responses and your experiences are much appreciated.



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12 years of maintaining with minoxidil? wow.. :)

As for propecia, several people have maintained, stopped the balding and even regrown hairs with it.

As for the balding. It seems to be eather general overall thinning, recarded hairline or crown where the hairlos accours. Or a mix of 2 or even 3 of em