New treatments...


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Realistically, what are your opinions on when a new, sure fire treatment will come out?

Id say 5 years or so, but I'm not sure so, your opinions would be appreciated


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I'd say 5 years or so too, but it seems that the real treatments are always "5 years away", and have been for some time now.

However there are a few promising things on the horizon that may really be that close.. follicle cloning and osh101.

Transplants are really the only 'cure', and cloning is the only viable way to actually get a full head of hair out of it.

If Osh101 works as good as the hype, however, it may be the treatment that will carry us to old age. (or at least to far more advanced transplants)


Depends on what stage of hairloss you are at and where you want to be.

If you are a diffuse thinner that caught the thinning early then what´s on the market today will help alot.

If you are a are beyond repair and feel that the shaved look is what suits you best with the current state your hair is in then I´d say a hair transplant with hair multiplication is closest thing to look forward too and that´s a couple of years away.

In ten years I belive that bald men will have hair.


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The best treatment can only be effective as long as the hair follices are still alive. If not nothing will help (except stemm cells or sth. like that). Therefore one should try to keep existing hairs as long as possible in hope for a "real" treatment in the future.




what is Osh101 and what is its release date time frame


Established Member
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from the info on that website, how can you put so much hope into OSH101? sure it gives lots of thick growth in 21 days, better than rogaine etc, but how do you know it will keep working?


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Rogaine is the best growth stimulant on the market. This stuff theoretically blows it away (and clinical trials have been promising). But there is no guarentee it will keep working. Just a hope and a prayer.


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There is the argument that the answer to this question 20 years ago was... 20 years. And since there is no cure NOW, which is 20 years later, than what reason do we have to believe that a cure will be found 20 years from TODAY?

But we have made quite a few advances and discoveries, which puts us quite a bit ahead of where we were 20 years ago, or even 5 years ago. Hell, we have discovered the link between male pattern baldness and DHT, and we have mapped out the genome, only within the past 5 years. So you can't compare the answer that you'll hear now to the answer that you would have gotten back then. I think these steps have put us higher on the learning curve, and that we really will have a cure to male pattern baldness within 5-7 years.

I hope so, anyway.


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WOW osh101 looks promising, I would buy it even if it gave me a full set of hair for only like 10 months. Unless it's too expensive. :(