Newb to Propecia... my balls hurt


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I have a weird kinda deep/hollow pain in my nutsack since I started propecia 1mg a few days ago. Looking on the internet it seems like a common side effect early on. They say it wears off soon, so I should continue taking it. But I'm wondering if the ones that get pains in the nuts are more likely to develop all the nasty side effects later on (such as gyno, impotence or even the major shed everyone talks about)? And if it is more likely, maybe I should discontinue right away. Suggestions?


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How bad do your balls hurt? Do they hurt all day? I have heard that many of the sides with finasteride go away after the first few monts. I know that nut pain is not uncommon. I have seen posts about it before on this forum. I don't know if nut pain is related to gyno or anything like that. Maybe someone else will chime in....


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I tell you I had serious nut and prostate pain after taking Avodart again. I stopped after 1.5 yrs for 3 months due to dizzyness, rapid heartbeat, ringing in ears and nut pain. I decided to give it another shot and within 2 pills I got all those wonderful side effects in full force.

Folks please, be CAREFUL when you take this S*!@. It's been 11 days since my last dose and I still get minor nut pain after I crank it. Well, at least it's subsiding. Obviously I had an allergic reaction to Avo.


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Nutacheâ„¢ is common in the first few days/weeks, mine was very mild and occasional, it is not an indicator to if and when you might get side effects.


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SE-freak said:
And keep in mind that Avodart (dutasteride) is an entirely different case.

I agree with you 50%. While Avodart/dutasteride is indeed a different drug, both finasteride and dutasteride inhibit DHT as we all know. So therefore, testicular pain from both drugs MIGHT be a result of this inhibition regardless of drug.

Anyway, just thought I'd throw in my 2 cents since I was looking for a post on nut pain. Luckily all pain has subsided as of today and I'm pretty much back to normal.


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Z-Man said:
It's been 11 days since my last dose and I still get minor nut pain after I crank it. Well, at least it's subsiding. Obviously I had an allergic reaction to Avo.

I value your contribution but you are obviously scaring people off giving the wrong impression here. dutasteride has a considerably longer halflife and stays in the bloodstream for a long period after discontinuing it. Propecia does not. So yes, they both inhibit DHT but "this sh*t" is not propecia and avodart, it's avodart only.


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I had constant achy balls too. I then decided to reduce my dose and haven't had any problems since. The thing is, I don't think the reduced dose is doing much for my hair. I am now nearly three months in and I still have pretty much the same amount of hair falling out as I did before starting it. If you can, try and perservere with the sides. Hopefully your body will then adjust and they will go away.


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SE-freak said:
[quote="Z-Man":a3329]It's been 11 days since my last dose and I still get minor nut pain after I crank it. Well, at least it's subsiding. Obviously I had an allergic reaction to Avo.

I value your contribution but you are obviously scaring people off giving the wrong impression here. dutasteride has a considerably longer halflife and stays in the bloodstream for a long period after discontinuing it. Propecia does not. So yes, they both inhibit DHT but "this $#iT" is not propecia and avodart, it's avodart only.[/quote:a3329]

Okay, okay, I agree with you. Let's drop it since this IS a finasteride post.

Does anyone have any insight or links explaining why this pain occurs?


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This is mere speculation:

Obviously there are some major changes in prostate, hence the prostate pain and watery se(a)men.

The testicular pain though is probably due to the pituitary gland's signal to produce more T to compensate for the reduced levels of the more potent androgen dihydrotestosterone.

You can now drive the truck of scientific knowledge over my ignorant body.


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SE-freak said:
You can now drive the truck of scientific knowledge over my ignorant body.

...and crush you into the tarmac of reason.


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SE-freak said:
The greek word for tarmac is "asfaltos" which also means

"he who does not err".

That right there is some deep sh*t.


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Yeah I experienced a slight ache in my balls when i first started taking it was a pretty weird pain it kinda hurts but its a numb pain. I didn't really get it constantly and only got it for the first couple of days. Then carried on and it was ok. Although saying that I lowered my dose a a few weeks ago and then i got the pain again. Saying that its now gone away again. Weird. Anyway so yeah thats my tale.


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Radio said:
SE-freak said:
The greek word for tarmac is "asfaltos" which also means

"he who does not err".

That right there is some deep $#iT.


Ok your turn. What does "deep sh*t" mean? Are you questioning the validity of the linguistic info I am providing? Buh...

edit: it just occured to me that it is probably a matter of emphasis. You meant : This sh*t right there is deeeep. You are in awe. Right? I am getting better and better.

I am sure your nuts hurt after this brief conversation with me. The greek expression for "busting my balls" is... ok ok ok. I will spare you.


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You meant : This $#iT right there is deeeep



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hans said:
I have a weird kinda deep/hollow pain in my nutsack since I started propecia 1mg a few days ago. Looking on the internet it seems like a common side effect early on. They say it wears off soon, so I should continue taking it. But I'm wondering if the ones that get pains in the nuts are more likely to develop all the nasty side effects later on (such as gyno, impotence or even the major shed everyone talks about)? And if it is more likely, maybe I should discontinue right away. Suggestions?

I didn't experience pain; although, I did start to sense a slight numbness in my penis. But it went away after around 3 months or so. If you're new to Finasteride give it at least a year before deciding whether it's right for you. You'll be glad you did.


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What are the statistics on irreversible side effects? Is that BS? I don't want to scare anyone, but I think everyone should be aware that there are many who claim that sides did not go away after discontinuing finasteride. There's a website:

Like I said, I don't want to scare anyone as I'm anxious to try finasteride myself, but want to know the risks.
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