Newbie: Combining Finasteride with Dutasteride!



Hi guys,
I am very new to hair loss and to this forum (as far as registration) but have been scanning the postings for the last 2 months.
10 weeks ago I noticed that my hairline was thinning a bit but has not yet receded so decided immediately to take action and got myself Proscar, Dr. Lee's 5% Minoxidil Solution (2x a day) and Nizoral 2% Shampoo (2x a week).
It has been 2 months and no negative side effects.
My question is; is anyone here taking Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) as well as Dutasteride?
Is it too crazy to combine them? Say Finasteride 0.5mg and Dutasteride 0.5mg.
Is it playing with fire???
Just a thought. :D
Thanks in advance,


Established Member
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well, if you dont mind if your dick shrinks, its totally ok..

take just dutasteride..


Senior Member
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I have tried it for 4 months you will just shed like hell but I did not get any side effects. I was taking 1.25mg finasteride with 0.5mg dutasteride.


Senior Member
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great idea: finasteride+dutasteride = unbelievable 160% DHT inhibition !!!!

bis :wink:


Senior Member
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Yeah it's great you shed and shed and shed it's wonderful :shock:
And 4 months later you are still shedding lol! that's when you stop taking one of them and amazingly the shed stops funny that!


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Ventje if your hair is in ok shape why don't you just take the finasteride and use the nizoral once in a while it will save you money and piss arsing about putting the minoxidil on.


Senior Member
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Just stick with the recommended dose of finasteride. There's no need to even think about dutasteride right now. I'd even go as far as saying minoxidil may be overkill since you said you only noticed your hair thinning 10 weeks ago.



Thanks guys for the input.
You did scare the @#$% out of me :freaked2:
2 months on Proscar (2.5 mg) and no negative side effects and no shedding either. (Touch wood!!).
Ok. I will stick with my regimen.
So many guys are switching to Dutasteride which brings me to ask and you will have to excuse my ignorance :oops:: Is Dutasteride better than Finasteride as far as treating hair loss?
I know some will say and rightly so ‘each of us responds differently’.
What I wanna ask is: are you taking Dutasteride/Finasteride because you believe it is a better treatment or are you taking it due to the negative side effects of the other one?
Just wonderin’ :roll: :? :roll:
That is all folks.


Ventje said:
2 months on Proscar (2.5 mg)

Why are you taking 250% the amount of finasteride usually used to treat male pattern baldness (which you may not even have) ?


Established Member
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haha man, dutasteride is 6,02 x 10^23 times better than finasteride.. hahaha.. 0.5mg duta is 33% more effective than 5mg fina!


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shosho said:
haha man, dutasteride is 6,02 x 10^23 times better than finasteride.. hahaha.. 0.5mg duta is 33% more effective than 5mg fina!

In theory it is...But not in reality.


Why are you taking 250% the amount of finasteride usually used to treat male pattern baldness (which you may not even have) ?
I was prescribed Proscar by my doctor and my insurance pays for it! I know, I know, I f@#$%&* KNOW that doesn’t mean I should take the half!! It is on repeat three monthly so I have now 2 new Proscar boxes untouched, which I don’t even need; one is enough to last me the next three months.
I am thinking about taking only 1.25 mg though and then start a pharmacy to sell the rest :lol: :lol:

haha man, dutasteride is 6,02 x 10^23 times better than finasteride.. hahaha.. 0.5mg duta is 33% more effective than 5mg fina!
Sweetheart, why are you on finasteride then?
:roll: :roll: :roll:


Established Member
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Because there isnt dutasteride where i live! It will be available only in May 2005, and then i'm going to use it.


Ventje said:
Why are you taking 250% the amount of finasteride usually used to treat male pattern baldness (which you may not even have) ?
I was prescribed Proscar by my doctor and my insurance pays for it! I know, I know, I f@#$%&* KNOW that doesn’t mean I should take the half!! It is on repeat three monthly so I have now 2 new Proscar boxes untouched, which I don’t even need; one is enough to last me the next three months.
I am thinking about taking only 1.25 mg though and then start a pharmacy to sell the rest :lol: :lol:

I am not sure what you mean with various phrases like 'It is on repeat three monthly' ?

Sorry if you explained and I didn't understand (might be a US - UK translation thing here??) But I am still curious as to why you are taking 250% the standard dose ?

cheers big ears.



shosho wrote:
Because there isnt dutasteride where i live! It will be available only in May 2005, and then i'm going to use it.
Where do you live? In Afghanistan? No offence to people who live in Afghanistan :D

TynanW wrote:
I am not sure what you mean with various phrases like 'It is on repeat three monthly' ?
Sorry if you explained and I didn't understand (might be a US - UK translation thing here??) But I am still curious as to why you are taking 250% the standard dose ?
cheers big ears.
It is on repeat three monthly means: I don’t have to go and see my doctor, just a phone call and the prescription is faxed to the pharmacy. Isn’t that fancy.
I am not a Yankee, live in Europe and not English either.
As I said, I am new to this hair loss business so when I was given Proscar, I took a whole one in the beginning and then read more about it and that is when I cut it to 2 pieces and now I am reading more and more so I am thinking of four pieces. Got it.
How do you know I have big ears?
I thought my Webcam was off! Damn :freaked2: