Newbie here with question about adrenaline and hair loss


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hey everybody,

Well Ive had 2 bouts with telogen effluvium, one after a car accident 2 years ago, and the other this past may after stressful months upon college graduation.

Anyways, I was also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and used to get panic attacks every night leading up to my second bout with Telogen Effluvium.
My hairline has definately recessed and I have given up hope of ever seeing it come back, although I dont rule out the fact that "hey, it could happen"

My question is, to any experts out there what role does andrenaline play in hair loss. Being that I have an anxiety disorder, from time to time I still get these episodes at night where my heart races. I am sure it cant be good for my hair because the next day after the shower my hair is dull and lifeless..I am just wondering if adrenaline raises your DHT levels to the point that it can bring on Androgenetic Alopecia or if hair loss due to stress/adrenaline cycle is usually temporary.


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hi , i have a question about panic attack : I sometimes get panic attack when i watch Sadistic films especially when i see blood or operations , For example i got panic attack in the cinema while i was watching Hannibal the brain operation of the guy. My Heart began to beat stronger , my blood got away from my feet and hands , i would be unconcius. I began to have a deep breath.

Why is this all about? How can i overcome my horrors ?