Newbie questions... all help appreciated!


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Howdy all,

I've been doing the normal research on hair loss options but still have a few questions.

I'm soon to be 35, have had a small, slowly growing bald spot for a couple years, but over the last year my hair has gotten extremely thin all over the top. I sort of shrugged it off as no big deal at first but it's gotten to the point that it's getting really depressing to look at and so I feel a need to begin treatment before it goes any farther.

From reading and talking to people it sounds like Propecia is good for maintenance and Rogaine/minoxidil is the thing for re-growth.

I've purchased a bottle of Rogaine but find this stuff *horribly* greasy. I've used the dropper and applied it the last few nights to get some application practice in but it's taking forever to dry. Maybe I'm a freak with a rubber head but I put this one at LEAST 90 mins ago and my scalp is still *really* greasy from it. If I rub my fingers through my hair they come out damp and oily. Plus it makes my hair look like crap considering how thin it is on top these days.

I'm tempted to forget the Rogaine for now and just go with the Propecia but I was thinking that starting off with "The Big 3" as you guys call it around here would be my best bet for getting back and keeping some good hair. Plus, I probably shouldn't expect Propecia to offer much improvement by itself to my diffuse thinning, should I?

Bone Daddy

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Welcome to the wonderful world of "male pattern baldness" :roll:

For the bald spot, the minoxidil at best could prob give you coverage fuzz, and help fill in the diffuse thinning on top, while the propecia and hopefully nizoral/T-gel help to keep what you have for a good base.

The word on "the streets" is that you need to keep that minoxidil shiz on your scalp for 2-4 hours, and then wash it out, not before for full effectiveness. If the minoxidil your using at the moment is too greasy, then you could always switch to Dr. Lee's brand/formula. If you want less grease, for god's sake don't switch to Rogaine, it's much, much worse.

Propecia alot of times will indeed help fill in by itself, but you'd need nizoral/tgel as well, and to be a good responder. It happens more times than not around here. So you do have options.. Hope this all helps.



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Thanks for the welcome, though I would have gladly NOT visited this "wonderful world" quite yet. :lol:

I guess one thing I could clarify is that my "bald spot" is not completely bald. It might as well be but I do still have very thin hairs there, they're just baby fine and sparse. I don't know if that makes a difference but I figured I'd mention it. Really that area doesn't bother me near as much as the diffuse thinning does. The thinning snuck up on me, now it looks like crap and make me feel the same.

So the Rogaine is the greasiest of them all, aye? Just my luck that I would pick the "popular" name brand thinking it would be less trouble. :-(

Bone Daddy

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aye, my friend.. tis.

Well if you can see alot of scalp (esp. shiny scalp) then that's not the best sighn in the world. You would however, get some level of fill in. If you are a responder that is.

So, that's "good" news.


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Thanks again...

I've been reading the site some more and am curious what people might think is the best plan of attack overall for diffuse thinning? Some people say to try Propecia now and wait for the Rogaine but frankly as fast as this thinning has become apparent to me I'm rather afraid to leave it alone for another year on Propecia alone. It's getting noticeably thin on top, even my mother recently commented that I used to have such thick hair.

Has anyone tried doing something like 1x minoxidil a day and .5mg of Propecia and seeing how that goes then later pumping up to the normal dosage a 1 year or 2 down the road, if needed? I've heard that .5 of Propecia works just about as well as 1mg.


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Dude get youself down to the doctor, get a refferal to the dermatologist and talk to them tell them what you know already and whay your thinking about doing. Better yet go and see 2 or 3 dermatologists to see if thier information matches up.

Finasteride weather you taking proscar or propecia works well on dissuse thinners because you still ahve your hairline there. Also it's good to hear that your doing some research and getting educated in male pattern baldness, thats the best thing. I am not taking minoxidil so what im saying is not from experiance ok. The thing with minoxidil is that you need to apply it everywhere your balding. So if your a diffuse thinner it's all over your head, not good because it will mean it's gonna cost more. I suggest you get on finasteride and use nizoral shampoo(%2) 3 times a week. in addition you might wanna try drinking green tea or taking some natural alternatives(there is no proof they work but it's worth a try) like saw palmento or try spironolactone or something.

If your willing to go to the effort(remember your going to be doing this until you die) get on the minoxidil %2 is good for most people, but if that doesnt work try 5%. From what my dermatologist told me. 5% rogaine leaves a gluggy feeling on your head. Also remeber that these treatments do not work for everyone. They work for most people so keep your fingers crossed go hard and DON"T GIVE UP!


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nedloftj said:
I've been reading the site some more and am curious what people might think is the best plan of attack overall for diffuse thinning?
You need to tackle the underlying process of male pattern baldness - namely the miniaturization of hair follicles due to excess DHT - rather than relying solely on a growth stimulant such as Minoxidil, and this is where Finasteride comes in.

I'm not sure about taking a .5mg dose, it may be as effective as 1mg per day but, as the vast majority of users seem to take the standard dose, there isn't the same depth of anecdotal evidence to determine this. Personally I'd advise cutting Proscar tablets into four or five pieces, to get your 1mg or so of finasteride, and holding off on the minoxidil for maybe 6 months to see if the drug is working.


Bone Daddy

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Indeed, get on finasteride a.s.a.p. and wait at least 6 months to add minoxidil/rogaine. This will help the scalp adjust, and you can see what finasteride does by itself. If it isn't cutting it, go for a growth stimulant of some kind like the previously mention minoxidil/rogain or even spironolactone. As for the .5mg dosage, if you have no sides, their are reports that larger doses of finasteride than 1mg shorten the time that the drug will work. (no, not proven in trials) Plus, well it's just all around better to take 1mg. I take 1.25mg at present and have accepted this possibillity until I can afford proscar.

-[star fox]-

Good luck!

-[/star fox]-


1 mg of Finasteride a day (Fincar, propecia, proscar finpecia etc etc)

give it 6-12 months and look at the situation again