Newbie With questions.


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Hello. I started to notice more hair coming out in the shower so I started to think I might be losing my hair. But my hair didn't seem to much different. It wasn't showing up on my pillow, I really only noticed it in the shower. Anyways, yesterday I was looking and the back of my hair is thinning for sure. (the typical "Bald Spot" area) I wanna look into something to possible slow or hopefully stop my hair loss. I'm not gonna dream about regrowth. I understand that whatever I use I will need to give at least a year or more to really see if it is working. Here is my question, what should I try? I've read most of the stuff on this site, but I'm still unsure? Do I need to see a Doctor first? Would I need to see a dermatologist? Do I need a prescription for Propecia or Rogaine? What is Proscar and how would I get it? I know these questions have probably been answered here tons of times, but with my hours at work, I don't get much time to search the board. Any answers and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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I'm a newbie too, but I can answer some questions...

You need a prescription to get Propecia, but there are other options you can look in to for getting Finasteride which is the key ingredient. Proscar is 5mg of Finasteride which some people will cut into 4ths or 5ths and save a ton of money.

Rogaine is offered generically as minoxidil in 2 strengths.

Oh, and when you see those key words as links you should click them and learn more. Reading as much as possible a great start.


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KevinWondering said:
I'm a newbie too, but I can answer some questions...

You need a prescription to get Propecia, but there are other options you can look in to for getting Finasteride which is the key ingredient. Proscar is 5mg of Finasteride which some people will cut into 4ths or 5ths and save a ton of money.

So you need a prescription for either huh? Do i need to see a regular doctor, or a dermatologist about it?


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You would generally see a Dermatologist. It is highly recommended that you do that as a first step. In terms of treatment... they say the sooner the better. Time is your enemy, and so forth.

Proscar is not actually for hairloss, its for prostate related something, but its the same (finasteride)...

Wait for some more experienced posters to come around and advise you or use the search tool and see what info you can find about it.


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Thanks for helping Kevin!


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OK, Thanks for the help so far. I plan to make a appointment with a dermatologist tomorrow. :)


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Good luck Rudy, whatever you do DON'T GIVE UP!


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Well I made a appt. with a dermatologist, but they didn't have an opening until Dec. 7th. If time is the enemy, he sure has a good strategy.


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I know you probably don't want a hair transplant but you could try going to a hair transplant doctor for a consultation...They usually try to fit you in quickly and they can/will prescribe finasteride.....

That's what I did....It was a free consultation and he gave me a 1 year script for Propecia. :D


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BadHairDecade said:
I know you probably don't want a hair transplant but you could try going to a hair transplant doctor for a consultation...They usually try to fit you in quickly and they can/will prescribe finasteride.....

That's what I did....It was a free consultation and he gave me a 1 year script for Propecia. :D

Forgive me, but what is a hair transplant doctor?


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It's a Hair Transplant Dr.......It's scary all the lingo you'll pick up from browsing a hairloss forum :D


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Tips for the Derm visit

Doctors can be wierd, so make sure that you get out of the visit what you want. Tell the doctor you are concerned about male pattern baldness. She or He may discuss family history etc. etc. But, all this is wasted time. Go for the punch with the treatment.

I am not sure what your medical insurance is like co-pays and such. But, here are the facts- getting your Doctor to write you a Rx for Proscar will save you a ton anyway you slice it? Why? Every Proscar pill can be cut into 4 more or less equal parts to give a 1.25 mg dose of finasteride, which is essentially the same as Propecia. The extra .25mg does not matter, if anything, it should work to your benefit. My Doctor actually suggested it to me, but a lot of docs won't do it. So make sure your doctor knows who pays his bills. Get your doctor to write you a Rx for as many pills as possible. Remember, refills cost a co-pay, etc. Also, every Proscar pill makes for a four day dose. So 30 Proscar pills will last you 4 months instead of only 4.