nice hair but such negative thoughts


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Hey everyone

Is anyone else like this? I have been on propecia 6 months minoxidil 15% and minoxidil 5% for 4 months. Today when i got out of the shower i noticed how much nicer my hair is! ITs almostn ever greasy and looks so much nicer trhen it use to before i started treatments. My hair use to look like TOTAL sh*t i would always be looking in the mirror and brushing it to hide the fact that i was balding as much a s possible. I NEVER have to do that anymore cause it nEVER looks like im balding now. But i still have such a negative outlook! i mean i keep thinking its to good to be true and that sooner or later i am going to start balding again :( I guess thats what happened with all the other products i tried. I use to be on nixions hair loss products and they lasted decently at first but then died down and i started thinning again. Every time i see a hair fall out i start thinking im balding again but then a few weeks later my hair is still there looking GREAT! i wish i could believe and think postive! anyways any other guys like this? :freaked2:


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think positive and try to say like my hair is great and go out there and have fun.. Do things that u were emberassed to do before, you will feel better :)

and dont forget, if you keep up the regimen your hair will be like this for a long long time 8)


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hang up a picture of george costanza in your room to remind you that even famous men have it alot worse than you
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Just keep trying to preserve your hair, realize that the future may bring new options, and continue your life process.