Nine months on finasteride--itchy left nipple--gino?


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Been on finasteride for a little over nine months. Has worked well so far. Minimal shedding. Status quo maintained. No real side effects i can think of. Until now. My nipples are starting to itch. For the past few days. That has lead me to think, correctly or not, that my left breast is a bit larger than the right one (although my girlfriend thinks there no difference in size. No sensitivity yet either, but...

Also, I've gained about ten pounds since starting. Quit smoking, plus less time to work out these days.

Is this the beginning of the end?

What can I do to head this off, or at least slow it? I'd like to stay on finasteride for the time being, but obviously, want to do it without growing mammary glands.




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itching is usually the first sign that you may be getting gyno.

are you taking any other supplements? or eating any new foods?

finasteride is known to cause weight gain in some people. it definitely lead to me putting on weight.

it could be that you quit smoking though. most people i know that quit, put on weight cos they eat more.