Nisim Clinical Study


Established Member
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The site has no before or after pictures unless you count that biopsy pic which doesnt justify anything. Doesnt dht stop heading towards the follicles once your dead? lol... They only offer a 30 day money back guarantee and they claim you will see results in about 16 weeks, sounds like an avacor advertisement.

Good posts BOMBSCIENCE slowly but surely this site will be back on its feet in no time! Good JOb!


Senior Member
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shivs said:
Good posts BOMBSCIENCE slowly but surely this site will be back on its feet in no time! Good JOb!

Yow man... at least i'm posting on topic. I think I'm hardly someone you need to flame. I suspected the stuff didn't really work. I was asking how they could get away with advertising like that. Notice my comment about where is the fine print...


i try bein nice but if yall gonna be some ignorant fucks then im gonna start havin fun again


Experienced Member
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Prez, youre walkin a thin line and youre gonna say somethin like that? "I'm tryin to be nice but" = thinly veiled criticism.

Nisim? never heard of it,. and it sounds like its been around a while. Might have some science behind it, but I bet its no better then spironolactone.