nizoral 2% HOW? muCH?


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ok i dont get it on the back instructions it states to only use nizoral 2 times a week and then bring it back to one! but i hear people on this thread using it EVERY other day?? and i have not heard of people slowing down the use of it! anyways how often should we use it and for how long? why does it only say 2 times per week?


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Because if you use it two times a week ....most people can get control of their dandruff and itching by then.


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ok but we dont use it for that we use it for its dht blocking abilities right? so how often should we? every other day or what? for how long? etc.... :hairy:


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There has been studies done on nizoral 2%. If using it alone it does not show any help to stop hair loss but using it with propecia or minoxidil shows some help to the regimen. Most people when using nizoral use it once every 2 days or every other day. I dont know why but they do. I use it every other day and for me it seem like it works better when taking with propecia.


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No but on the back of a shampoo bottle they go for generalization ...and that is fighting off dandruff and itching..not giving thinning hair a benefitial effect.......thats why they say two times a week cause by then when speaking generally most peoples dandruff go away.


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lol so we CAN use it every other day? is it better that way? or is that TO MUCH? LOL :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked2: :freaked:

not me!

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You can use 2% every other day with no danger of a detriment. However 3x a week has worked well for me and many other posters.


cateyes81 said:
i suppose 2 times a week is to little to get the DHT Lowering effects?

No 2 times a week is still useful

After washing with Nizoral the ketoconazole remains active in your scalp for a couple of days.

I now use Nizoral every day.


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just irratating the scalp more cause its strong stuff isnt it? i mean their must be a reason why we need a perscription? id love to use it every day also but i wonder if its not safe?


Senior Member
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Do hairs become dependant upon nizoral ?

Once you stop nizoral, will you lose hairs that were 'stimulated' by the nizoral ?

Since it's like 2% minoxidil, and all...