49-year-old male here, using Finesteride 1 mg and Rogaine 2%. Began using Nizoral more frequently and switched to Rogaine 2% when scalp irritation became more of an issue for me. Noticed how Nizoral works extremely well not only for the irritation, but simply as a shampoo for my particular hair with its very thin shafts, providing a thickening effect far better than many other shampoos for thin hair tried. Nizoral, however, is not to be used too frequently, and I see that impotence/sexual side effects are among the risks...which is definitely disconcerting. My questions:
1. Have others experienced sexual side effects from frequent (and how frequent exactly) use of Nizoral? And;
2. Have others had a hard time finding a daily shampoo that works as well for their hair as Nizoral? I don't use it that frequently, but if others know of a comparable thin-hair shampoo that does as well for them as Nizoral may have, please share.
1. Have others experienced sexual side effects from frequent (and how frequent exactly) use of Nizoral? And;
2. Have others had a hard time finding a daily shampoo that works as well for their hair as Nizoral? I don't use it that frequently, but if others know of a comparable thin-hair shampoo that does as well for them as Nizoral may have, please share.