Nizoral caused transplanted hair shed


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Had a transplant 18 months ago, hair was beautiful up until a month ago when my dumbass decided to add nizoral to my regimen, suddenly I can't style my hair all spiked up anymore because my temples have thinned(no where near it use to be pre transplant tho)

Anyone experience this? It's just the transplanted area which has thinned, no where else. Is this common?

Im hoping I'll be back in the game in a couple of months


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I didn't have an hair transplant but I started nizoral by itself maybe 4-6 weeks ago, and over the past 2 weeks I've noticed my hair is thinner than ever. Before this I was using T/Gel which was great for thickening/dandruff and decided adding nizoral for the DHT blocking would be good for my balding until I get on finasteride.


I only wash my hair with shampoo 2x a week. Before this, I had a great balance with T/GEL. Strip the hair of excess oil 2x a week and simply rinse with hot water the other 4 days, left my hair looking as good as it could get with my recession.

Now I have noticed my hair in the past 2-3 weeks is way way way worse, thinner all over, thinner in the recessed areas, ridiculous shedding, and more oily if I do not rinse it even one day.

I'm sorry, but **** Nizoral. I'm stopping it. It might be an "initial" shed but I am not messing with any other methods until I get on finasteride. I'm pretty upset right now. minoxidil did nothing for me and nizoral furthered my hairloss to a considerable degree. Crossing my fingers that finasteride doesn't make me bald.


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Nizoral had a weird effect on me as well - instant shedding while using it, losing hair at the nape of the neck and behind ears, and itchy, dry scalp with some inflammation. So I tried a different brand with no SLS or chemicals, and moisturizers. Same effect. Learned that I'm allergic to keto. Maybe you guys could be, but you don't mention any of the things that happened to me.