Nizoral / Cu Peptide Shed?


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Hey All

As I've written before, I have been on Proscar 1.25mg per day and Minoxidil 1.5ml once per day (for the first 8 months 1ml twice per day) for about 1.5 years now - this is the regime Ashley & Martin recommend. I don't think that I had seen much regrowth, if anything my condition has become a *little* worse - I have only a thinning crown, which is now becoming quite noticeable. Still a full coverage of hair, but by no means thick on the crown.

After reading the advice on this forum, I have upped my regime to Proscar 1.25mg per day, Minoxidil 1.5ml once per day, Crew Cu Peptides every other day and Nizoral 2% twice per week. (I know my regime could benefit more from Minoxidil twice per day and Cu peptides every day, however, I will up the ante if I need to.)

I have never had a massive "shed" as described so often on these posts from Proscar or Minoxidil - I have always lost about the same amount of hair each day. However, the last few days I have been losing more hairs than normal in the shower and when styling my hair - they seem to be mainly thin, fine hairs. I'm not sure I've seen this documented on here before, but could there be such a thing as a Cu peptide/Nizoral induced shed?

What is also weird is that my hair actually *looks* a little thicker on the crown after only 2 weeks on the additional Cu peptide and Nizoral regime - even though more hairs are falling out! (Although this could be an illusion as I just had my hair cut...)

Anyways - I love this site - and any advice or tips for my situation are greatly appreciated.



PS - for any of you guys like me with only an early thinning crown - a hairstyle which helps to conceal things a little and looks great is the Beckhamesque pseudo-mohawk (faux-hawk) type cut. The chicks down under also tend to dig it!