Nizoral & General Hair Stuff


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Hi all,

Am based in the UK and I want to start using Nizoral, but just need to check I'm gonna buy the right stuff - please check out the link so's I can be sure I'm not wasting my dosh:

Other stuff : in a nutshell, can people please give me their experiences of the pros and cons of the hairloss treatments they've used. I'm quite interested in Dutasteride because Regaine sounds like it'd be a right pain in the arse.

My hair loss is at the temples, my crown is fine, though I believe that my furthest protuding front patch is showing signs of thinning. In all honesty, what I've lost so far probably wouldn't be such an issue if it weren't for the fact I'm clearly more Anglo-Nordic than Anglo-Saxon. That is, I already had a high forehead from the off.

Cheers for your help in advance...


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You can buy that stuff at any boot's in the UK mate. I think its cheaper as well at £5.99 a bottle.


That's the stuff, 2% Ketoconazole, like Minox_Baby said you can pick it up in boots or your local healthfood shop or pharmachy.

Dutasteride is probably the king of side effects :freaked: , you need to do a bit of seaching on various forums to get up to speed on this stuff before getting involved.

I would recomend Finasteride (Propecia or Proscar if you want to save a load of cash)

good luck


The Gardener

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Magic Orange, before any of us can really give you any kind of quality advice, you have to tell us a little more about your situation. How old are you? How would you describe your hairloss? Are you just thinning at the temples, or thinning at that infamous weak spot at the crown of the scalp?... or are you diffuse thinning all over? How long have you been thinning, and, are you thinning, or balding?

Irregardless of those questions, getting started on Nizoral is a good thing for ANYONE with male pattern baldness. Looks to me like you got the right sh*t... the UK packaging is different that the stuff I buy here in the States, but the label description is the same. Pick it up and start using it 2-3x week. Good luck, cheers.


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Alright y'all...cheers for your replies.

OK Gardener, my situation is thus :-

U-shaped hairline thanks to disappearance of about 1.5 inches of hair at the temples (bar one solitary hair which has been hanging on in there for years !). I still have hair at the centre-front, although as I said I'm suspicious it's looking a bit thinner than it did. Otherwise it's all there and grows at a rate of knots. I find it all a bit strange as my 50-something Dad has a full head of hair. Anyway, re: my age, I'm 34. To be honest, I didn't even notice I'd lost anything really - wasn't paying much attention - until my sister kindly pointed out to me my hairline wasn't what it was. That was a couple of years back. As to how long it's been going on, it's difficult for me to say. Certainly at 25 I was fine. I'd guess, judging by pictures of me, the temples started saying goodbye towards my late twenties. Again, it's strange but, being vain, I'd always expected I'd notice that much hair going but I didn't. No clumps of hair in the shower or anything like that. It's like someone take an eraser and just rubbed out some of my hair !

On another matter altogether, I went to Boots today, a good-sized one at that, and the only thing I found was something called Nizorelle. It contained that Keta-wotsit but didn't say how much. So, my search rumbles on. In the meantime I bought some 1% Boots own brand stuff. Better than nowt.


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Oh, and another thing, the temples have gone for good haven't they ?


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Magic orange. I emailed johnson and johnson the other week (the makers or nizorelle) and they repied saying the nizorelle contains 1% Ketoconazole.

I use nizorelle as I have long hair and find that it makes my scalp and hair feel fantastic when used with a conditioner. If you've got short hair then I'd go for the 2% stuff.

Some of the guys on this forum use nizorelle because its less harsh, and leave it on for a good 5 minutes for maximum aborption. Its your choice dude.



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I would if I knew that it was OK to. I've read that the active ingredient in nizorel stays in your scalp for a number of days, so using it every day might be overkill. But I use it after work every day (4 days a week). It does dry your hair out (even the 1% stuff) but used with a conditioner it feels great.
