Nizoral help with the loss? How


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I understand how Nizoral works to some degree. I hear it has an effect like rogaine and helps fight hair loss. My question is, how does it help you fight hairloss when people only use it once every 3 days?

minoxidil fights hair loss but if you used it once every 3 days it would do jack sh*t.

Propecia helps fight hairloss but if you only took one pill every 3 days, once again it would do jack sh*t.

We all no nizoral helps with itching and dandruff and other things but as far as stopping or minimizing hair loss like everyone says how is this happening using 2x a week?


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First off, Propecia, minoxidil, and Nizoral are three completely different products.

Propecia is an internal DHT blocker. When ingested in blocks an enzyme that is responsible for converting testosterone into type 2 DHT. Its effectiveness peeks 6hrs after ingestion. Continual use of Propecia seems to "repress" DHT levels around the clock. It is said you can even skip a day or two and still keep DHT levels down... Though I wouldnt recommend that.

Minoxidil is nothing more then a blood pressure med that can induce hair to stay in the anogen phase longer and over time can increase the diameter of hair. It takes about 4-6hrs to absorb per application. It doesnt stay in your system however.

Nizoral is a shampoo in which its active ingredient can stay in the scalp for several days. There have been some studies that show it can have a disrupting effect on DHT. However, its main function is its anti-inflammatory role.

male pattern baldness has two main actions:

1. DHT attacking the follicles

2. Your body's immune system attacking the altered DHT hair follicles.

By reducing the inflammation you are helping keep your body from attacking those hair follicles.

That is why it is a good idea to attack male pattern baldness from several different angles.

1. Internal DHT blockers such as Finasteride

2. Topical DHT blockers such as spironolactone and/or zix

3. anti-inflammatory compounds such as Nizoral and/or Folligen (copper peptide).


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"Nizoral is a shampoo in which its active ingredient can stay in the scalp for several days"

Even when i wash my hair later in the same day or the next day?


Experienced Member
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"Even when i wash my hair later in the same day or the next day?"

Yes, it stays in your scalp even after you wash your hair with other shampoo. That is why you only have to use it 2-3 times a week. :)



have a look at the Why you better be using Nizoral! link at the top left of this page, all the info is in there.

good luck
