nizoral if no scalp irritation?


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hey, i was considering going to the drug store to pick up so nizoral, but i'm a little hesitant only because most people here say they use it to keep their scalp cool and less irritated. but i don't have an irritated, or itchy scalp, in fact, since going on propecia three months ago, my scalp has never felt better and my hair is really soft and healthy looking. everyone here recommends nizoral though, and i'm currently using a shampoo called semodex, my question is, should i use nizoral if my scalp is already healthy, i don't want to ruin the health of my hair by introducing a new shampoo, on the other hand, i don't want to leave out something that would be really easy to add to my regimen if it would really help.
the only reason i ask is because socks, who had awesome success, said that after nizoral everything starting looking up for him, hair really started coming in nicely. i don't know guys, what do you think? should i add it? maybe just once a week or something?



this is something I posted in another thread, I couldn't be bothered editing it, so it has a few a answers to questions not in this thread !

HairlessinToronto said:
What's the deal with Nizoral? I've read that it's used from anywhere to washing out topical solutions to stopping hair loss. Can it stop hair loss?

The active ingredient in Nizoral (Ketoconazole) a mild anti-androgen.

Its anti-androgen effects are said to influence hair growth similarly to Minxoidil 2%

This action is enhanced by combining Nizoral with a Salicylic shampoo like T/Sal (that's T/Gel with salicylic acid in the UK)

Quote from Dr Lee website: Ketoconazole has been proven to decrease the quantities of DHT in the scalp by helping to inhibit its synthesis from sterols.  Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically to the skin.  By removing some of the dead epidermal layers of the stratum corneum, there is an enhanced action by the ketoconazole in suppressing the production of DHT in the scalp.

HairlessinToronto said:
If this is true then shouldn't I be using it every day?

As Matgallis pointed out there may be systemic absorbtion issues with excesive continuous use, fortunately Ketoconazole stays in the scalp for a while after its use (2 days or so, I believe) so there is no need to use it daily.

HairlessinToronto said:
Has anyone have any positive or even negative results with this product?

The trials say 'yes', for me using Minoxidil, Finasteride, TGel and Nizoral it is difficult to say which medication is having an effect.

HairlessinToronto said:
I read in this forum that some guy even uses it everyday and leaves it in his hair for 20 minutes at a time. Some information on this product will be appreciated. Thanks.

I leave it in for around 10-15 minutes 3-4 times a week.

good luck


Senior Member
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so should T/Sal be used right before nizoral.. or can I use T/Sal one day then nizoral the next ??

of course, in between those applications of shampoo, there has been Folligen spray and emu oil applied to my scalp..

So what's the best way to work this stuff ?


I would say T/Sal washy washy, leave on for few of your USA minutes, rinse, then Nizoral washy washy leave for few minutes, rinse hair, get out of bath/shower don't forget to dry your giant fat *** get dressed and go get your welfare check.



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IwantMyhair said:
so should T/Sal be used right before nizoral..

This is what TynanW and some others do. It works great for them.

IwantMyhair said:
or can I use T/Sal one day then nizoral the next ??

This is what I and some others do. It works great for us. :)

It honestly does not matter very much which one you do. Go with what is best for you timewise. I do the later simply because T/SAL makes my hair look fantastic by itself.

Regardless I would NOT USE T/SAL unless I was using a few topicals. There is no need to use T/SAL unless you are using topicals since it's main method of function for our purpose ( the baldies) is to help with the absorption of topicals and to cut away some of the residue the topicals leaves.


Senior Member
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Okay cool..

Well I don't use any topicals other than Folligen spray and emu oil..

I figured T/Sal was good in general..

So should I ditch it and just go with the Nizoral instead?

... Thanks


IwantMyhair said:
Okay cool..

Well I don't use any topicals other than Folligen spray and emu oil..

I figured T/Sal was good in general..

So should I ditch it and just go with the Nizoral instead?

... Thanks

well that would take your topical count up to - Folligen - Emu Oil - Nizoral, so I would go for T/Sal too.


Senior Member
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Awesome, thanks for the advice tynanW..

I gotta admit, I kinda enjoy using T/Sal :oops:

That may sound strange, but it just seems like an important part to the scalp health mix... so it makes me feel 'good' to use it.

I'm thinking I may go easy with T/Sal, it seems strong.. so I will use it only 1 time each week.. Sunday A.M. -- followed by a Monday A.M. nizoral 1% session.

Then another nizoral wash on Friday A.M.

I think that will do it for me. :)


Established Member
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Few nizoral questions:

Is nizoral FDA approved as a hairloss treatment?

On the days you use nizoral, can you use another shampoo, like a Cu peptide or thickener? If so, does it matter what order the shampoos are applied? Do you use conditioner?

I have no scalp irritation, would I have any benefit from using TGel?


smudge said:
Few nizoral questions:

Is nizoral FDA approved as a hairloss treatment?


smudge said:
On the days you use nizoral, can you use another shampoo, like a Cu peptide or thickener?


smudge said:


smudge said:
does it matter what order the shampoos are applied?


smudge said:
Do you use conditioner?

yes, recommended  

smudge said:
I have no scalp irritation, would I have any benefit from using TGel?

don't know?