Nizoral/Nano users, any SLS concerns?


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Just wanted to see if any of the users of the above shampoos have any concerns about the apparent harshness, and counter productive effects on hairloss, that sodium laurel/laureth sulfates might have?

I used to use both but went to an sls free shampoo through
I love the shampoo but wonder if I should go back to nano and nizoral.

Good story on these 2 shampoos, was using on an alternating basis, then one day I mixed a little Nano w/ a little Nizoral and used that for a few days. My wife couldnt believe how nice my hair looked(lots of shine and body)

If I can put the SLS worries to rest I will get a bottle of both and start mixing the 2 together again. I cant see any real detriment in doing tis and they both want you leave then on for 5 mins...


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not really sure what the sls is all about but i love NANO because it controls
my shedding and makes my hair grow quicker
i.e nano monday and tuesday, nizoral wed, nano thrus and friday, nizoral on sat
so on and so on