Nizoral or Finasteride causing shed?


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Hi everyone, this is my first thread on this forum. I'm just looking to get some advice from people who have experience in this area.

I started Nizoral and Finasteride together in November of 2015 as my hair was noticeably thinning, particularly in the crown although it wasn't enough that people were actually commenting on it. Anyway, I'm now in May and still on this regime. In the first 4-5 months I was using Nizoral 2% 3-4 weekly, which now I realize is probably too much, and have recently switched to twice weekly. Ever since starting my regime however, my hair, particularly the hair at the front of my scalp is thinner and feels thinner to the touch. there are less hairs there than before and also it feels like the hairs that are still there are thinner in diameter than before starting the regime. My main question is, should I stop Nizoral? or should I continue treatment until the one year mark and then decide. I keep thinking that maybe the hairs that are shedding will return stronger than before, but I'm not sure on this. Maybe I haven't given the Nizoral enough time to work and maybe I overused it and it negatively affected my hair. At the same time, maybe it's the finasteride that caused the shed and not the nizoral there really is no way to know for sure. What do you guys think? Your opinions are valuable to me, thanks for replying in advance. I'm 21 years old btw.

PS. I should mention that i stopped finasteride for three weeks in Janurary 2016 and then continued it on February 2nd. This probably means that I started over and I'm not really counting the first three months I was on finasteride. So technically, I'm in my 4th month on finasteride. Also, although my libido never really took a significant hit, in the past few weeks I feel like it has returned to it's very high state as in prior to finasteride, my ejaculate is thicker and healthier looking than before and my erections are harder and last longer, just food for thought.


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Was there a time where your shed rate slowed down, and now your shedding again? Has your shed rate remained the same as pre finasteride for the duration of treatment? Taking several weeks off of finasteride could definitely induce a shed months down the road - so you stopping at the end of January would impact your current shed rate. From what I understand, changes in ones regimen won't impact your hair immediately, but one will see the impacts 2-3months down the road. I myself am experiencing something similar right now. I started with finasteride in November as well, but I was very inconsistent with my pill because of gyno symptoms. In January I began taking 1.25 mg daily along with letrozole to manage the gyno symptoms I was experiencing. I have since weaned off letro, and have not had any more side effects - except I'm shedding like crazy and have been since April. My shedding stopped in late February-March, but is back with a vengeance now.


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the shedding has been stable over time, there was never a few days or a week when it was shedding more than any other time. Overall, the shedding is significantly less than before I started taking finasteride. I really think that when i stopped finasteride for 3 weeks it may have caused this increased shedding, now that I think about it, the shedding was more noticeable right after I restarted finasteride in early February after stopping for 3 weeks. I think I'll just ride this out until the one year mark and see what happens, I just hope that nizoral actually improves my hair rather than make it worse. Nizoral did remove a lot of the itching i had prior to starting it, so I think it has made my scalp more healthy in general. And finasteride is known to not really kick in until the one year mark for most people.