Nizoral side effect


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I think the key here is to use the stuff as directed. Even this article says only to use Nizoral only *TWICE* a week. That's once every 3 days, as the bottle also says. Using medicated shampoo's (even if they are of a different brand) 5 days a week ... I could logically see this causing agitation to your scalp to the point that follicles don't like it... yes. Remember guys, you are only using medicated shampoo's for one reason: To get your scalp skin in a healthy, relaxed, uneventful condition so that your treatments can work.

If you've killed the itch and inflammation, the only reason to continue using *any* medicated shampoos at all is two fold:

1) Doing that once-every-so-often appliation of Nizoral as a maintenance regimen to keep the itch away

2) Using Nizoral for its antiandrogenic properties. It should be noted that TGel does not have these properties. It's only used to help controll dandruff.

This is a big reason why I don't see the point of using Nizoral + TGel (medicated shampoos 5 days a week) if you've already controlled the itch. You do run the risk of overdoing it and causing agitation that may counter your efforts.

Just my opinion.


HairlossTalk said:
I think the key here is to use the stuff as directed. Even this article says only to use Nizoral only *TWICE* a week. That's once every 3 days, as the bottle also says.

I understand this.

I have been useing it everythird day, this is what makes me think I may have the above mentioned side effect.



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That is a side effect of overuse. So its most likely that you're just shedding. Either way, it will come back. If you don't have burning skin, you're probably not seeing shedding as a side effect of the Nizoral. The shedding mentioned is going to come after you've pissed off your scalp enough with the medicated shampoo that it starts spitting out hairs :)


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up here in canada it says to use nizoral only once a week after u have got rid of the itch...which is what i am doing now.


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As long as you don't use it everyday and leave it on your scalp for ages then i think you will be okay...even if you do those things, chances are your scalp will let you know if it is not loving it.


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well this answers my problem... I've used it everyday. So even with mild hairloss it will still grow back right?


Minoxidil - possible side effect - hair loss
Propecia - possible side effect - hair loss
Ketoconazole - possible side effect - hair loss

Any medication that promotes hair growth, would have to indicate hair loss as a possible side effect, as the growth of new hair will ultimately involve the shedding of old hair from the same follicle.

I wouldn't worry too much about Nizoral induced baldness, back in the dark ages I used to work for a design company who did 'trade ads' (never seen by the consumer) for pharmachutical companys (Johnson & Johnson and Whitehall Labs in the UK being a couple I can remember), all the products had to have a list of possible side effects at the base of the ad, a much more detailed list than would ever appear on the final packaging design.

It was a running joke that pretty much everything that passed through our doors ended up with a vast array of side effects ending in - "Black tarry stools nausea, hair loss and death" I mean everything from aspirin to decongestants !!


What you said helps although it worries me that my scalp feels sore a few hours after the application of Nizoral, this feeling lasts through most of the next day.

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Dear Distressed,

Hearing you mention that your scalp is sore after using Nizoral explains it. When I first used Nizoral 2%, my scalp was inflammed and itchy. Most ppl picked up Nizoral and T-Gel for the same reason, to eliminate itch and dandruff and quite possibly DHT.

Your scalp will get better with the regular use of Nizoral and T-gel. I personally rotate these shampoos but according to some, these combo might be too strong, but I personally find it to work very well when I am using both Propecia and Xandrox (twice/day).

Expect some hairloss in the beginning, but once your scalp feel better, I am sure the shed will also decrease. I personally feel there is a very strong correlation between one's scalp health and hair shed. I noticed when my scalp is itchy and inflammed, I tend to lose much more than normal. Therefore I try to minimize this from happening by using good haircare products, shampoos, and consistent shampoo routine. (1/day..etc).


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I've used Nizoral 2% for the first time today and experienced severe side effect: immediately after application nizoral on my head crazy hairloss has started. Five, may be ever more times bigger than usually. After towel dry (another portion of hairloss), I've feeled some burning on my head (including ears, forehead and cheek). Some redness also occurs. All of these effects were not so great and lasted not for too long, but I really worry for hairloss. Is it normal, or completely not?

BTW, first before nizoral I had used Pregain (my usual shampoo), and only after - nizoral.


hhmmmm, first post and you are trying to sell us all Nizoral, do I suspect spam? I think I do.