No Finasteride After Transplant? + Post Transplant Advice


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hey guys, just wondering if not taking finasteride after a hair transplant will impair the results? i really just want to stabilize for 2-3 years until tsuji/something better comes out (i know... "5-10 more years" lmao). would i be ok with no finasteride for that long?

also, is there anything i can do like supplements, vitamins, specific shampoos, aloe vera, etc. during the first 5 months before regrowth that can maximize my results and reduce redness?

thanks boys


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I can't speak with experience, as I have not had the procedure as yet.
I do believe some clinics ask you to use FAST shampoo and take MSM supplements to speed up hair growth. I don't see why we couldn't just make a start before the procedure, although these things are likely to only assist in lengthening the existing hair.
What are people's views on FAST shampoo?


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CB will come out soon in the meantime you can get it in raw powder from China

this stuff works better than finasteride for hairline maintenance

do search on Breezula or Winlevi


My Regimen
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CB will come out soon in the meantime you can get it in raw powder from China

this stuff works better than finasteride for hairline maintenance

do search on Breezula or Winlevi
do you know how to prepare it i'm willing to order the powder from kaneshop but cant find how to make it


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very simple you mix some into neogenic shake well and after 1 minute its dissolved ready to apply

you need a scale to weight the powder usually you can use 20 to 30mg a day if you have very short hair

neogenic has stemox which has a unique mode of action helping with reducing future male pattern baldness as well, well worth the price


My Regimen
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very simple you mix some into neogenic shake well and after 1 minute its dissolved ready to apply

you need a scale to weight the powder usually you can use 20 to 30mg a day if you have very short hair

neogenic has stemox which has a unique mode of action helping with reducing future male pattern baldness as well, well worth the price
whats neogenic sorry i didnt understand


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i don't have it in my country either..order from ebay