No, no, no!!


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Fuckit. I held a mirror up behind my head yestrday morning for the first time in well...years, because I knew that I'd been thinning on the crown for a while now and I wanted to see properly just how bad it was.

I could see, quite clearly, a patch of psoriasis on my crown :( Nothing much but it was there and this was under fairly dull lighting conditions. What the f*** must it look like to people when I'm out in bright sunshine or under harsh office lights!!!

f*** my life. f*** it.....

I even cried. :sobbing: Yeah, I know....I know how pathetic that sounds being a 36yo man. But fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

ok, I know I gotta slap on more of the psoriasis topicals but I gotta do more to try and keep my hair too. I just don't know what to do? :dunno:

Should I leave Propecia for another 6 months to take it up to a year on it before doing anything?
Should I throw Rogaine foam into the mix right now and risk the initial shed at this point?
Would Revita shampoo be a better substitute for plain Nizoral shampoo?

Should I just put a plastic bag over my head or what - coz thats what I feel like doing.

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk. f*** my life.......

uncomfortable man

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I was bald ie. nw5 by the time I was 26 so f*** you.


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I was bald ie. nw5 by the time I was 26 so f*ck you.

Not to poo poo your record, but this is still a fairly poor result in the misery stakes. I know and know of at least 3 or 4 who are NW5 at 21. However, you have comprehensively owned the OP.


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Do any of you even know what psoriasis even looks like for Christs sake?

You think being bald is so bad? Try being bald and with a head full of dirty, angry red scabs all over your f*****g head. This is what I'm trying to deal with and what the future holds is only going to be worse for me. I look like a f*****g modern day leper - can any of you even try to understand what that is like?

UCM - as others here have said, I will say also - you are are good looking dude and you wear your baldness well. And yet no one could possibly have it as bad as you could they?

I thought this was a place I could get some stuff off my chest, where people would at least have maybe some idea of what it would be like for me. But no, it's just another another pissing contest.


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I thought this was a place I could get some stuff off my chest, where people would at least have maybe some idea of what it would be like for me. But no, it's just another another pissing contest.

To be fair, I actually do have a lot of sympathy for your situation. I haven't had psoriasis myself, but I know what it looks like, and I know it can be bad.

I was mainly joking at the ridiculousness of some of the responses to your initial post, but to be honest I'm not surprised by them anymore. Some of the most miserable users on this site have come to identify with how bad they perceive their situation to be, and to live their lives because of it. The worse they make their own situation to be, the more of an excuse they have to explain their own failings.

uncomfortable man

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Sorry m y bad :$ . I didn't get the part where you had open sores on your scalp. That must make any topicals out of the question.


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Maelstrom said:
Fuckit. I held a mirror up behind my head yestrday morning for the first time in well...years, because I knew that I'd been thinning on the crown for a while now and I wanted to see properly just how bad it was.

I could see, quite clearly, a patch of psoriasis on my crown :( Nothing much but it was there and this was under fairly dull lighting conditions. What the f*ck must it look like to people when I'm out in bright sunshine or under harsh office lights!!!

f*ck my life. f*ck it.....

I even cried. :sobbing: Yeah, I know....I know how pathetic that sounds being a 36yo man. But fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

ok, I know I gotta slap on more of the psoriasis topicals but I gotta do more to try and keep my hair too. I just don't know what to do? :dunno:

Should I leave Propecia for another 6 months to take it up to a year on it before doing anything?
Should I throw Rogaine foam into the mix right now and risk the initial shed at this point?
Would Revita shampoo be a better substitute for plain Nizoral shampoo?

Should I just put a plastic bag over my head or what - coz thats what I feel like doing.

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk. f*ck my life.......

Dude calm down and consult a Dermatologist pronto.Psoriasis can be treated easily in the early stages just dont panic and self medicate as this can even aggravate the condition.Good luck!


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since theres lots of debate on lifestyle/diet changes for hair loss, i will completely leave that part out. However, in regards to skin conditions, diet changes can help tremendously.

I have had extremely bad seborheic dermatitus for over ten years on my face and scalp. I also have generally dry, flaky itchy skin all over. Not identical to psoriasis, but there are lots of similarities and overlap in treatments. Anyway, i tried literally hundreds of products (prescriptions, shampoos, washes, soaps, creams, lotions)

Finally, I found a yahoo group that promoted dietary changes, and completely eliminated any topicals/meds etc. The only thing you are allowed to use is organic apple cider vinegar.

So, the diet is cutting out meat, dairy, and wheat. Lots of vegetables and fruits, nuts, etc. I'll admit, i couldn't commit to it 100%, i was probably at 85%. Used the apple cider vinegar every day and before I knew it it cleared up tremendously. Not only the seb derm, but my dry skin in general improved. Its worth giving a shot. I would advise if you did use the apple cider vinegar, water it down first (maybe 50/50) since your psoriasis is aggravated and open right now.


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dude don't be a big f*****g sissy. I have psoriasis all over my body since i was 9. Could always be worse dude.


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Fender89 said:
dude don't be a big f****ing sissy. I have psoriasis all over my body since i was 9. Could always be worse dude.

Dude don`t be a big f*****g sissy. There are people who were born with psoriasis. There are also people with psoriasis who gets raped from time to time. Could always be worse dude. :jackit:


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Dudemon - thank you for your detailed post. I thought you, if no one else, might be able to relate based on what I'd read about your unsuccessful hair transplant's.

It's definately psoriasis, I've had it for 15 years but it's only now that it's becoming visible on my scalp. I have to admit - it is kinda my worst fear.

I've tried all treatments over the years on my body with only varying success. I can only hope that dithranol (my preferred psoriasis topical) and perhaps some sunshine, should we ever get any in the UK, may clear it up. Ideally I would like to keep enough hair to cover any such scalp psoriasis but it doesnt look like that's ever going to be possible. What makes it worse is that I work in a very public environment and after having severe acne from my teens until my late 20's, psoriasis, seborreic dermatitis on my face, going bald and going bald with scalp's safe to say my self-image/self-esteem has never been very good. I think I was 20 the last time I liked my appearance.

guitar66 - I'm having success treating my seb derm with a manuka honey cream that also contains borage oil at the moment. I've never tried the ACV but I'm glad it's working for you and I may try it myself one day.

Fender89 - I'm glad you seem to be handling both your extensive psoriasis and hairloss so well. I can only look on in envy. Perhaps you could share any treatment tips and/or pearls of wisdom on dealing with both conditions so I may elevate myself from pussy status one day?


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damn, sounds like your androgen levels must have been sky high. You ever had bloodwork done?


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Cuebald - Me? No, I dont think I've had 'bloodwork' done. What would that involve? I mean what would they test for - abnormal testosterone/DHT levels or something?


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superfrankie said:
Fender89 said:
dude don't be a big f****ing sissy. I have psoriasis all over my body since i was 9. Could always be worse dude.

Dude don`t be a big f****ing sissy. There are people who were born with psoriasis. There are also people with psoriasis who gets raped from time to time. Could always be worse dude. :jackit:

Hey spastic, did i say i was crying about it? no i wasn't so f*** you =) I was trying to let him know it could be worse that's all. And my case of psoriasis is worse than his. I'm well aware it could be worse. I could be missing a leg or something.


It's all about attitude.

Saying f*** my life, and crying over posriasis on a spot on your head says alot about you. I'm way younger than you. I'm 21, hairs thinning and i have psoriasis and i'm way more positive than you. I've never cried about hairloss or psoriasis. You gotta man up. I swear if a woman saw your post she would never be attracted to you.

for what it's worth-

Spectral DNC
Apple poly tablets
multi vitamins
Soy isoflavins
Green tea.

I honestly think my hairloss has stopped. or atleast slowed down tremendously.

Psoriasis? Doublebase moisturiser and don't take dairy, also avoid junk food. use dovabet if it flares up due to stress or what not.

I never called you a pussy by the way. but that post was the girliest thing i ever read


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Fender89 said:
I was trying to let him know it could be worse that's all

So by telling him it could be worse you actually think his perception towards his problem would be more positive or solved, just cause some randoom guy on the internet has it worse when it comes to psoriasis?

No matter how many fuckers have it worse it does not change the fact that its a problem for that individual.


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dudemon said:

BTW, when Rogaine foam came out, I tried it, and it has yet to make my scalp peel. There was something about the liquid minoxidil formulation that was causing it.


Liquid minoxidil also irritated my scalp a bit, but I have no problems with the foam.

Apparently, this is because: a) the liquid formulation contains alcohol and other irritating agentes; and b) the foam is quickly absorbed.


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Maelstrom said:
Fuckit. I held a mirror up behind my head yestrday morning for the first time in well...years, because I knew that I'd been thinning on the crown for a while now and I wanted to see properly just how bad it was.

I could see, quite clearly, a patch of psoriasis on my crown :( Nothing much but it was there and this was under fairly dull lighting conditions. What the f*ck must it look like to people when I'm out in bright sunshine or under harsh office lights!!!

f*ck my life. f*ck it.....

I even cried. :sobbing: Yeah, I know....I know how pathetic that sounds being a 36yo man. But fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!

ok, I know I gotta slap on more of the psoriasis topicals but I gotta do more to try and keep my hair too. I just don't know what to do? :dunno:

Should I leave Propecia for another 6 months to take it up to a year on it before doing anything?
Should I throw Rogaine foam into the mix right now and risk the initial shed at this point?
Would Revita shampoo be a better substitute for plain Nizoral shampoo?

Should I just put a plastic bag over my head or what - coz thats what I feel like doing.

Fuckkkkkkkkkkk. f*ck my life.......

If you haven't tried finasteride already, go ahead and do it.

In my case, Proscar didn't just stop my hair loss. It also improved the appearance of my scalp: it used to be extremely greasy and there were scabs too. I don't know if it was psoriasis or not.

Consult your doctor (dermatologist) first and beware of possible side effects, incl. sexual dysfunction.