No one beleives me ain't that a b**ch


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well i told my mom to book an appointment with the derm and she said why and i told her becuz of my hair. i think its falling out. I have to bald my head every week because its getting to thin. I want to know if i have a thyroid or what because i'm thinning all over. its kind of fucked up my parents think i'm crazy but i have a strong feeling its thinning and thinning fast. But i want to know that if u guys think the Doctor will give me propecia even thought my 18th b-day is one month away. if not what the f*** do i use?


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no i don't cuz i don't got a camera but i will try to get one.


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a pengiun did u expercence side effects from it from starting young


Established Member
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Lilone we seem to be havin the same fuggin problem, my parents dont believe me either. they just think im a crazy *** mother****** who is making believe that his hair is just disappearing.


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i got u pleasehelpme cuz i want to correct this problem but my parents think i'm crazy and i'm like i know my fucken hair and i'm loosing it. I just want to find out what it is. But they don't seem to belive me. a pleasehelpme i got a question since u bald ur head and take multivitaimns like me do u exprencie alot oof razor bumps and danruff cuz since taking vitiamns and shaving my hhead bald i be noticing it. thanks :lol:


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it kind of sucks that no one believes me but i got to correct this problem before it gets worse :freaked2:


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lol well we aint bald yet... and hopefully shiet fosho we aint gonn be bald word?

anyway yea well i seem to have flakes (dandruff) more often cuz when my scalp gets itchy and i scratch it, since my hair is short the scratched off scalp residue will be more visible than if my hair was like 2 inches long covering my scalp.

i hate it when my head itches like crap which is most of the time cuz for me i tend to lose most of my hairs when i scratch my head.

i only shaved to around 1/2 a cm so i dont got no razor problems. i had bad experience with shaving my head in the past with a razor, i cut my scalp sometimes and ive noticed that those areas have grown back with less full hair like...

lets say there was hairs that were packed this closely before llllllllll

after shaving for a while my scalp hair grows like this now l l l l on those certain spots... maybe im just seeing things or not seeing things in this case hah.

yeah yo im ordering dermatch ASAP and gettin on finasteride (propecia/proscar) as soon as i hit 17. minoxidil is just too much of a hassle for me at this age. shiet i still got a life to life ya know? good luck man and forreal try growing out your hair a bit cuz that razor shave can roughen up your hair... i used to have smooth, fine, soft hair but after like to 30 somewhat shaves id had so far, it became a lot more rough and tangly.

good luck bro and let me know on how things are goin. peace


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thanks pleasehelpme u know what i'm going through man but i want to get on finasteride too but i heard it was expensive but we all in this together man so we got to fight back against baldness and a big :toma: to baldness


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mos def...

and yeah propecia is pretty pricey but proscar is a lot cheaper and affordable. the only thing is you have to cut the pill into 5 pieces and take 1/5 piece per day cuz 1 pill of proscar is 5 times the amount of finasteride as in propecia.

ask tynan for some pill cutting info, he posted it a few times before and it looked great.

i hope we get out of this hairloss crap fast son. peace


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Propecia is for Male Pattern Baldness only.

If you are losing hair all over your head, then you have some other condition, quite possibly a thyroid condition as you suggested. Definitly go visit your doctor.

Good luck.


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props man i had a real fucked up day today, got arrested man :toma: the cops. props though