No propecia for 2 weeks...


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I have been on propecia for 6 months now and have been maintaining. No shedding no re-growth or thickening. My hair loss is in the frontal and tempel region.

Anyways, I wont be able to get my next dose of propecia for 2 weeks. Will this be a problem?? what will happen? will this break compromise my whole treatment?? please help advice needed.


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i know some of you have been in my situation....Can any one offer some input? I would like to know how bad this willl screw up my treatment./


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This is certainly not a problem. Note that is takes one or two weeks for your DHT level to normalise. So 2 weeks without Finasteride will not have any significant effect on your hair status.



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bis is right.... I have taken a 2 week lay off from Propecia after being on it for 12 months, nothing happened ( shed, etc...). This break should give your body a rest. I know some people on here are against it. Not me, " Moderation " is the key.

Pce Brian


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well i was able to score some propecia off a local street dealer...(scarcasm lol) So i am able to continue my regimen. I am considering taking a 2 week break off finasteride. Will stopping then starting again be worse for side effects( like re starting sexual sides) will it be like starting from scratch again?


reduce your dose to 0.2mg a day to stretch your supply over the 2 weeks, take each fragment with grapefruit juice to help your body absorb the whole 0.2mg.

0.2 mg has been shown in trials to be almost as effective as 1mg.


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It all depends how fast your hairloss is. I have massive frontal loss and decided to gave up finasteride for 2 weeks as I thought my hairloss might have slowed down and stabalized. Big mistake. I lost a ton of ground and have since got back on finasteride. Like tynan said I would try and get some finasteride into your system over the next two weeks but if your hairloss is slow then you should be OK.
