non-antiandrogenic treatments


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Can you guys help me compound a list of non-antiandrogenic treatments that HAS SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE to help hair, either maintenance, or growth, or thickness, or color,... health in general.

Maybe each can propose a compound and the related literature.


g.i joey

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haaa... good one.. minoxidil? and there is even claims that it may have anti androgenic features


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There are other treatments besides minoxidil that are non-antiandrogenic. I will list them below:


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DIET! You can control 5-alpha reductase without largely affecting your testosterone levels. Cut out all IGF-1 inducing foods like dairy, and refined sugars. Eat foods high in anti-oxidants to help systemic inflammation. One of the most potent natural anti-oxidants is Astaxanthin and there are studies showing that it will help control 5aR -> DHT. Make sure you got Vitamin A & D!! Eat your sweet potatoes and supplement with something like cod liver oil. Notice that modern indegenous cultures have 0 incidents of acne and very low hair loss rates (look at the Kitavan culture). We know from studies male pattern baldness is DHT/Inflammation/Calcification, so eat to control that! Anti-oxidants/natrual vitamins/MSM.

There are several studies using natural substances that show alot of promise as well, but they are just not trialed because theres no money to be made. There was a peppermint oil study posted lately that showed better growth than minoxidil by far in mice. Dr. Bronners peppermint oil soap is easy to use on your scalp and feels good. But everyone will just blow it off cause you know.. the big 3. Ketoconazole is more of an anti-fungal treatment than an anti-angrodgen too.


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DIET! You can control 5-alpha reductase without largely affecting your testosterone levels. Cut out all IGF-1 inducing foods like dairy, and refined sugars. Eat foods high in anti-oxidants to help systemic inflammation. One of the most potent natural anti-oxidants is Astaxanthin and there are studies showing that it will help control 5aR -> DHT. Make sure you got Vitamin A & D!! Eat your sweet potatoes and supplement with something like cod liver oil. Notice that modern indegenous cultures have 0 incidents of acne and very low hair loss rates (look at the Kitavan culture). We know from studies male pattern baldness is DHT/Inflammation/Calcification, so eat to control that! Anti-oxidants/natrual vitamins/MSM.

There are several studies using natural substances that show alot of promise as well, but they are just not trialed because theres no money to be made. There was a peppermint oil study posted lately that showed better growth than minoxidil by far in mice. Dr. Bronners peppermint oil soap is easy to use on your scalp and feels good. But everyone will just blow it off cause you know.. the big 3. Ketoconazole is more of an anti-fungal treatment than an anti-angrodgen too.

So is your diet working for your hair pal?


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There are several studies using natural substances that show alot of promise as well, but they are just not trialed because theres no money to be made. There was a peppermint oil study posted lately that showed better growth than minoxidil by far in mice. Dr. Bronners peppermint oil soap is easy to use on your scalp and feels good. But everyone will just blow it off cause you know.. the big 3. Ketoconazole is more of an anti-fungal treatment than an anti-angrodgen too.

I have heard this many times from the "natural" guys. But there is money to be made. If some company put together a supplement with these "natural substances" and it actually worked to cure hair loss, they would make a **** ton of money. We already have natural snake oils that sell even though they don't work. If one existed that did work, they wouldn't be able to make enough of it.


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So is your diet working for your hair pal?

Great actually. Thanks for your significant contribution to this discussion. I can produce scientific studies for everything I said as well. Look how irate people get when you question the common understandings lol. Diet is a huge controller of hormones including 5aR > DHT. Nothing new there. If you think otherwise then you are even stupider than you seem.


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Great actually. Thanks for your significant contribution to this discussion. I can produce scientific studies for everything I said as well. Look how irate people get when you question the common understandings lol. Diet is a huge controller of hormones including 5aR > DHT. Nothing new there. If you think otherwise then you are even stupider than you seem.



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I can produce scientific studies for everything I said as well.

Save the scientific studies. Show us the regrowth. Nothing else matters.