Noninvasive liposuction (ultra sounds)


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I'm fed up of starving myself to death + swimming 5 km every week and having only ok results.

I'm not obese, in fact I have the ideal weight, but I still have a flaccid belly.

I'm not a kid anymore - I'm 32 y.o. - and I believe that exercise + diet are not enough. I think I'll try the new noninvasive liposuction.

This new method was developped in Israel and it's called Liposhaper. It uses ultrasounds to destroy fact cells in your body. No surgery is required and it seems to be effective. The only drawback is the cost: over 2,000 euros for a 2-hour session (at the Time Clinic in Lisbon, Portugal)!

Have you ever tried this? Where can I get more info?


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Very surprised that CCS have not posted on this one................... :whistle:


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Just don't release too much fat into your blood stream all at once. Not healthy. And if you did, it would be reabsorbed into other fat cells. Not bad, except you might get stretch marks from the other ones swelling so fast.

So basically, the goal is to reduce how much fat can be stored in that part of the body. Hmmm.... I think fat cells can grow to any size. Definitely read more about it and let someone else be the guinea pig.

somone uk

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metropolis said:
I'm fed up of starving myself to death + swimming 5 km every week and having only ok results.

I'm not obese, in fact I have the ideal weight, but I still have a flaccid belly.

I'm not a kid anymore - I'm 32 y.o. - and I believe that exercise + diet are not enough. I think I'll try the new noninvasive liposuction.

This new method was developped in Israel and it's called Liposhaper. It uses ultrasounds to destroy fact cells in your body. No surgery is required and it seems to be effective. The only drawback is the cost: over 2,000 euros for a 2-hour session (at the Time Clinic in Lisbon, Portugal)!

Have you ever tried this? Where can I get more info?
you have a flaccid belly because either you are losing weight quickly (and the skin is not catching up
or because your stomach muscles are poorly toned
firstly don't starve yourself, it's not doing you any favors,
and i would recommend you try one of these:

or one of theise

i was a bit of a fatty and i found the second one particularly useful :)
and it's muchy less drastic than lipo and much healther
try it for at least 6 months before considering lipo
i used to do 200 reps on the cruncher then moved to 30 reps on the ab bench and 20 twists
also don't forget routine, results don't come overnight


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I don't think diet + exercise can do the trick. I'm the healthiest person on earth, I swim 5km every week and results are far from impressive. (again, I'm not obese, I just want to reduce the size of my love handles and the fat around my waist)

I'm not a young kid anymore and the only solution I see to remove these fat deposits in my gut is liposuction.

I'm not entirely sure, though:

a) If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Everyone speaks wonders of this new liposuction in the Portuguese press but most of it is advertising and no one has ever mentioned possible side effects. I don't want to wake up one day with stretch marks or lose skin around my gut.

b) The cost: 2,000 euros is A LOT of money. If the procedure is entirely safe, I am willing to pay, though.

Ian Curtis

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I've never heard of it, then again, I dont pay much attention to the media. Becoming a vegetarian will reduce your calorie intake.


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CCS said:
Just don't release too much fat into your blood stream all at once. Not healthy. And if you did, it would be reabsorbed into other fat cells. Not bad, except you might get stretch marks from the other ones swelling so fast.

So basically, the goal is to reduce how much fat can be stored in that part of the body. Hmmm.... I think fat cells can grow to any size. Definitely read more about it and let someone else be the guinea pig.

The Portuguese doctor that runs this health clinic says the fat is absorbed by the lymphatic system, but he doesn't get into detail.

He says the only drawback is a strict 3-day diet after the procedure and that's it.


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An emphasis on exercise is bullshit. Just makes you hungry and then you eat more. Half of an hour of fast walking is all you need everyday.

What is your diet like? What is your carb intake? Carbs are the damager, I hope you're not on one of those bollocks low fat regimes.

I went from 95kg (notice how I don't use pounds like you American twats) to 70kg within a few a months and did sweet F.A in terms of exercise. Sometimes I'd be sedentry for days- just the way I like it. That's what happens when you stop eating grains, sugar and potatoes. The weight just melts the f*ck off. And I didn't cut back on how much I was eating, there were times I was eating lot of honey and I still didn't put anything on.

The only sugar you should get is from low carb fruits like melons and berries. Eat stevia if you've got a sweet tooth and use almond meal instead of flour to bake with if your gheylord and bake lots like I do.

If you really desperate to lose the weight and want to see it gone quickly then maybe try a ketogenic diet for a month or so then move onto low carb forever.

Liposuction and lap bands are for people who are either

a) ignorant about nutrition
b) too addicted to sugar and won't take responsibility for it
c) so fat they should be trimmed from the herd to improve the gene pool
d) sometimes a combination of a,b,c


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I was 251lb last year (I'm using pounds so that most readers can relate, whether American twats or not haha).

I wore a 44" waist trouser size, xl or xxl tops and jackets, couldn't walk for 15 minutes brisk without sweating and frankly "big man", a common term of endearing reference by Glaswegians, could not be more accurate a word.

I researched and researched for at least 3-4 years and knew eventually all there is to know about the human metabolism, nutrition, exercise science etc.

Research is my way of procrastinating, and I overkilled it. I bought a treadmill, exercise bike, Olympic dumbells and barbells, state of the art running shoes and other gadgetry. Didn't use them once, they did however function as excellent tools for dust collection - if I ever gained an interest in that sort of thing.

One day after work, my boss was leaving at the same time as me. I walked with her towards my bus stop, as we were talking I just said I'll walk to the next one 5 minutes away. Then I skipped that one too. I said goodbye to my boss, and decided to go on the subway round the corner. Then for some reason I decided to just walk home - a 2 mile walk. I was so exhausted by it I needed to nap.

I did the same next day after waiting at the bus stop.

Then the next day, and did it everyday just because I felt like it. My contract ended 3 weeks later. I had spare time now. I still felt like walking however and I did. At first 2-3 miles, one day I went a random way, got lost, then found my way back home. Did 5 miles. Then a few weeks later, got lost again after a distraction of pleasant neoclassical housing on a street in the west end, then found my way home. I ended up doing 10 miles (I plot my route on google maps). Then I decided to do 10 mile walks. Then 12 miles, one day I did it twice just for fun, 24 miles.

I walked around 12 miles everyday, would normally have no appetite during and after them, having a huge breakfast next morning.

In 5-6 months I went from 251lb to my current weight of 181lb, 34" trousers and medium sized clothes.

I'm at a similar stage, last few pounds to go. The key is metabolism, I go for 16 hours with no food, but the walks mean an extended high metabolism for 6 hours (I take a few coffee/tea/hot chocolate breaks) and then lasts (after burn) throughout my sleep.

You MUST be accurate with calories, and you should take advantage of the afterburn, studies show around 35% of weight loss can occur whilst sleeping. On my break days I eat like a maniac, usually 4000 calories.

The irony is, after all my research and elaborate planning - I ended up starting unintentionally, doing a simple exercise when I felt like it and eating anything on some days. But my research allowed me to accurately estimate my energy cycle, and allowed me to predict my progress to the pound. My scales record weight at the 0.1 of a pound, I could measure progress daily.

Oh a tip - cinammon. Used it for months a lot, later discovered it has a powerful metabolic boost.


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I was 251lb last year (I'm using pounds so that most readers can relate, whether American twats or not haha).

I wore a 44" waist trouser size, xl or xxl tops and jackets, couldn't walk for 15 minutes brisk without sweating and frankly "big man", a common term of endearing reference by Glaswegians, could not be more accurate a word.

I researched and researched for at least 3-4 years and knew eventually all there is to know about the human metabolism, nutrition, exercise science etc.

Research is my way of procrastinating, and I overkilled it. I bought a treadmill, exercise bike, Olympic dumbells and barbells, state of the art running shoes and other gadgetry. Didn't use them once, they did however function as excellent tools for dust collection - if I ever gained an interest in that sort of thing.

One day after work, my boss was leaving at the same time as me. I walked with her towards my bus stop, as we were talking I just said I'll walk to the next one 5 minutes away. Then I skipped that one too. I said goodbye to my boss, and decided to go on the subway round the corner. Then for some reason I decided to just walk home - a 2 mile walk. I was so exhausted by it I needed to nap.

I did the same next day after waiting at the bus stop.

Then the next day, and did it everyday just because I felt like it. My contract ended 3 weeks later. I had spare time now. I still felt like walking however and I did. At first 2-3 miles, one day I went a random way, got lost, then found my way back home. Did 5 miles. Then a few weeks later, got lost again after a distraction of pleasant neoclassical housing on a street in the west end, then found my way home. I ended up doing 10 miles (I plot my route on google maps). Then I decided to do 10 mile walks. Then 12 miles, one day I did it twice just for fun, 24 miles.

I walked around 12 miles everyday, would normally have no appetite during and after them, having a huge breakfast next morning.

In 5-6 months I went from 251lb to my current weight of 181lb, 34" trousers and medium sized clothes.

I'm at a similar stage, last few pounds to go. The key is metabolism, I go for 16 hours with no food, but the walks mean an extended high metabolism for 6 hours (I take a few coffee/tea/hot chocolate breaks) and then lasts (after burn) throughout my sleep.

You MUST be accurate with calories, and you should take advantage of the afterburn, studies show around 35% of weight loss can occur whilst sleeping. On my break days I eat like a maniac, usually 4000 calories.

The irony is, after all my research and elaborate planning - I ended up starting unintentionally, doing a simple exercise when I felt like it and eating anything on some days. But my research allowed me to accurately estimate my energy cycle, and allowed me to predict my progress to the pound. My scales record weight at the 0.1 of a pound, I could measure progress daily.

Oh a tip - cinammon. Used it for months a lot, later discovered it has a powerful metabolic boost.

somone uk

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aussieavodart said:
An emphasis on exercise is bullshit. Just makes you hungry and then you eat more. Half of an hour of fast walking is all you need everyday.
but you're not taking into account that regular exercise increases your general metabolism ie the energy you burn when your sitting there doing nothing, actually the MAJORITY or what you lose is due to the increase of metabolism rather than the energy burned during exercise, i have lost weight because of exercise without changing my diet

also you seem to be doing a lot of aerobic exercise without doing anaerobic, excessive aerobic excercise can be detrimental to your muscles

just try doing 100 sit-ups a day, it won't kill you and it certainly won't cost 2000 euros


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Hammy070 said:
I wore a 44" waist trouser size, xl or xxl tops and jackets, couldn't walk for 15 minutes brisk without sweating and frankly "big man", a common term of endearing reference by Glaswegians, could not be more accurate a word.

too many stoner suppers hey Hammy? :whistle:


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Yes you can go for a Noninvasive liposuction if you are afraid of surgical liposuction. It is an alternative for surgical liposuction. You just consult to a surgeon if you are a good candidate of this procedure.


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I might use it some day in low doses. Destroying fat cells will not get rid of fat. But reducing the number in parts of your body can change the distribution of where your body stores fat. If you destroy some stomach fat cells, I bet you could later lose more fat total without your face looking gaunt, since your body will be forced to store more there. That is assuming that it is more likely to store fat where there are more cells. I'll still give it another 5 years for more guinea pigs to try.

As for adkins diet, I really think it makes you lose muscle. And I only eat enough spices to make my food taste good. My goal is to lower my metabolism, not boost it. I like the CRON diet, though I've not succeeded at sticking to it.


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CCS said:
That is assuming that it is more likely to store fat where there are more cells. I'll still give it another 5 years for more guinea pigs to try.

So are you saying you are going to have most of the fat cells "destroyed" in your body and some of that injected in your dick?

So everytime you eat too many pies, your dick will get fatter..............................

Would this also work on women's tits and arse??