Noob question: Super small transplant at 23?

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I am 23, been losing hair for like 3 years, suddenly became aware of it around last christmas and started treatment (finasteride+min) straight away. 1 - 15th March 2016.jpg2 - 22nd December 2015.jpg

These pictures are taken on the 22nd of December and the 15th of March respectively, and now 3.5 months into the treatment the shedding is slowly stopping and I feel like I am improving at an even faster rate now. But like most of us here, I feel like I developed some sort of hair greed (© Fredthebelgian) and I am questioning if I can actually get more via an early, small transplant.

I am talking about really small margins here, maybe the size two fingertips on each side of my hairline, right below my small finger's fingertip in the picture here:


What is your opinion? A nice addition to get someone who is in the beginning stages of balding to absolute "fullhead"-status? Or just a risk and cost for a little gain and possibly further implications down the road when I need a bigger transplant in the future?

Thanks for your input.


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My Regimen
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I disagree, I think you should ride out finasteride and minoxidil for a year then book a hair transplant for the 1 year mark to restore an NW2ish hairline. You don't have to wait until you're NW4 or 5 to get a hair transplant, at your stage you have lost enough hair that a hair transplant could make a significant and worthwhile improvement to your mental wellbeing and aesthetic appearance. Combing your hair forward is not a good solution aesthetically or for your peace of mind. Don't go crazy, after 1 year of treatment you may find that 1000-1500 grafts are sufficient to make a big difference. Wanting an NW2 hairline is not hair greed.

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I disagree, I think you should ride out finasteride and minoxidil for a year then book a hair transplant for the 1 year mark to restore an NW2ish hairline. You don't have to wait until you're NW4 or 5 to get a hair transplant, at your stage you have lost enough hair that a hair transplant could make a significant and worthwhile improvement to your mental wellbeing and aesthetic appearance. Combing your hair forward is not a good solution aesthetically or for your peace of mind. Don't go crazy, after 1 year of treatment you may find that 1000-1500 grafts are sufficient to make a big difference. Wanting an NW2 hairline is not hair greed.

Actually looking at your before and after comments, disregard my comment, you've regrown enough, actually that was amazimg regrowth, NW3-NW2, you don't need a hair transplant, you've already had a great result.


My Regimen
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Hair greed indeed. Just comb your hair over, wait until you reach NW4 territory to have a FUE.

If you rush into it and the surgeon f-cks it up, you're f-cked.

Surgery is a last resort, you have to do it if there will be a huge improvement, otherwise it's not worth it in my opinion.

I had my hair transplant while I was a slick NW5 at the age of 24, there was no other option for me.

Even though some people still are assholes about my lack of hair, I can't imagine myself going to my job interview rocking a horseshoe.

Now some people try to mock me for "starting to lose my hair", yes I had a comment like that a week ago (lucky me): "Your hair, it's beginning to go away!"

Beginning?! What a f-ing compliment that was.

You on the other hand, you're fine, you're nearly NW3 but your treatments will maintain your hair for a long time. So comb your hair over those temples and have fun!

This. DON'T get a hair transplant now. It's WAY to risky. Take it from someone that was just like you, had the same thinking process, got a hair transplant and completely f*cked his life - me. How do you know finasteride will work for you? If it doesn't, AND you get Telogen Effluvium from the transplant, you're done my friend. Sorry to say. You have a good thing going. I beg you to please wait and see how you respond to finasteride. Transplants are the LAST resort as Fred said.


Experienced Member
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A hair transplant is way too early for you, I am sure there are some doctors that would love to take your money and do a 2500 graft hairline and run though.
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Allright, really appreciate your input. I will continue with finasteride and minoxidil, who knows, maybe I will continue to improve.


Senior Member
My Regimen
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Actually looking at your before and after comments, disregard my comment, you've regrown enough, actually that was amazimg regrowth, NW3-NW2, you don't need a hair transplant, you've already had a great result.

This. In the first pics it looks like a hair transplant could be necessary, but in your most recent pic you're like NW1.5 with no need for a hair transplant.


New Member
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Why are you thinking of getting an hair transplant? Aren't you the guy that in less than 3 months got from a nw3 to a nw1.5 only on finasteride? If the date on those pics are correct, you are a lucky bastard!


Senior Member
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Don't need one.