

New Member
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Here's a summary of my 2 week experience with minoxidil. Bought generic 5% minx from local pharmacy and applied every night before bed. I've read about shedding, so i bought some 1% nizoral too. First week seems ok with the shed, until i realize there's a big bald patch in the middle of my skull. Ordered fincar immediately and started having doubts about minx. I know people say it takes time for it to work and that shedding do happen. But DAMMIT! :evil: , it took out a chunk of my frontal hair and now my hairline looked really messed up. And to top it off my scalp is drying up like crazy. I didn't have dandruff before, but now there are huge pieces of dry scalp coming off my head. I found out at work when my coworker told me i had dandruff and that it's all over the back of my head. I was like FARK! :freaked2: , went home pulled out a S&W and was about to do me in, until i came to my senses and pray for finasteride to arrive quickly. I stopped minx after that day and swear never to touch it again. Has this happened to anyone here? Hugh chunks of your scalp coming of. I don't know if this is part of the shedding or if the nizoral caused this.


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I don't have an answer - but a related question. What is the best thing to do when (like one poster experienced) the areas where Minoxidil have been applied stay thin if those areas that where left alone for Finasteride grows thicker?

I'm adding Minoxidil 5% to my regimen today, and I really fear that it is going to ruin my hair in some obscure way; and that I'll regret adding it later on.


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hey guys, not to start a hate forum but i am in the same boat as the both of you. i had an ok hair line untill recently( 2 weeks ago ) when i added 5% minoxidil to my regimen then it all went to hell! my scalp dried up and peeled liek crazy, i didnt notice the shedding but now i look at my hair line and it sucks. i was only on it for a week and a half one time a day. i dont understand how that can be healthy and grow strong hair. i am done with minoxidil for good as of today. i dont know if i have a bad reaction or tolerance or what but i dont understand how that can promote healthy hair growth..?

Nixon's Head

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Please guys. Educate yourselves a little. I'm sorry but it is clear that none of you have even spent 30 sec finding out anything about minoxidil. All these things have been gone over...and over...and over..and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over.. and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over...and over........................see how dumb banality is? These subjects have been worked over hundreds, ne thousands of times.

Start here ... =0&thold=0
Then do a search.
Im sorry, Im being a jerk. I didnt get enough sleep last night. If I makes you feel any better I have a very small penis. and Im fat. ---But Im not bald!

Nixon's Head

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A oh so very, very small penis.

Nixon's Head

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I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...I have a very small penis...


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Nixon maybe you have a pussy?

Nixon's Head

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So THAT'S what that is! Of course, it's all so obvious now.


Established Member
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That must be a very bad case of gyno. :shock:

Nixon's Head

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Please! Dont get me started on my embarrasing and disfiguring gyno. Large, floppy breasts. Nipple discharge. I have to wear a couple of those breast feeding absorbant pads on my man-breasts. So sad.


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Maybe some people need the "man-bra" -- from a Seinfeld episode. :lol: **** Seriously, common hairloss may be partly genetic and partly environmental. One may need a "scalp detox" first, so one is then better able to tolerate topical treatments. It helped me. See my other posts on this website for more details.