nordicbald 17 years old


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So I just wanted to share my hair loss or something..
In my country you can (usually) start finasteride only when you're 18 so I can't really do anything at the moment. Maybe I'll just shave everything off.

Anyway here are the pictures, any suggestions or comments are welcome. My crown area isn't balding yet.

What Norwood am I currently at?


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Awww man thats pretty rough. I would say NW2-NW2.5. Honestly, I think as long as you're still developing finasteride is a bad idea. Its up to you though.


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You can start up with Minoxidil already if you like. If your in the US, Rogaine shouldn't be hard to get so what I've heard. If your not, talk to a derm and tell them you heard Minoxidil works for hairloss and you'd like to use it. And just start finasteride when you are sure you've quit puberty. Good luck to you man.

And I would say your a NW2, but it looks like it might get worse than that later on. But overall you probably still have a good hair of head. Does your family have a lot of bald men in it? Either on father or mother's side?


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deadlocks said:
You can start up with Minoxidil already if you like. If your in the US, Rogaine shouldn't be hard to get so what I've heard. If your not, talk to a derm and tell them you heard Minoxidil works for hairloss and you'd like to use it. And just start finasteride when you are sure you've quit puberty. Good luck to you man.

And I would say your a NW2, but it looks like it might get worse than that later on. But overall you probably still have a good hair of head. Does your family have a lot of bald men in it? Either on father or mother's side?

Well, my dad and two grandpas are NW5A-7 :sobbing:

And I've heard that Rogaine only works for the crown area, but I guess you can always try.


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Well it has only been tested on the crown area, so of coarse they'd say that. I think it has regrown some hair for me on the front, but they say it's the hardest place to get regrowth on.

Shouldn't mean that you should not give it a chance though if you want to keep your hair. The earlier you start the better the results most of the time. Don't let any thing discourage you.

Another few words of advice: Rogaine / Minoxidil won't STOP the balding progress, it'll only regrow lost hair. Makes little sence perhaps, but read up about it. Eventually for maintainance of your excisting hair you'll need a DHT-blocker like Finasteride (I'm using Dutasteride myself, but I'm older -21- and some people even think that's crazy). Please read yourself through it before making the final decision. And as I said before, lot's of luck to you.


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Imo it is best to start Finasteride when you (think you) are fully developed. Can be at 15 for some, for others at 20. I don´t know where you are from, buy you can buy generics at online pharmacies.


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It's been almost 5 months now. My hairline hasn't really receded since december (when I took the first pics)

Could this be my mature hairline? Or should I start finasteride after I turn 18?


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Man in Space

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You are a Norwood 2, you seem to have a high hairline but it doesnt mean your neccesarily going to get much worse. I was an nw2 at 16 and am now 28 and still am and i only got on meds last year. I would keep on the minoxidil and perhaps consider a topical antiandrogen such as spironolactone until you are older. It could be your mature hairline but there is a good chance it will progress with a history of baldness in the family. Also if your hair looks like its thinner in the hairline and temples and has miniaturised hair there then it will progress, this is how i know mine will continue to get worse without the meds.

Just keep doing what your doing and taking photos, try keeping them under as similar conditions and angles as possible as it makes it next to impossible to compare otherwise, that way you will know how your hair is developing. best of luck


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So I just noticed this spot in the front.

16 may started finasteride at 1/4 proscar

19 may lowered dosage to 1/8 proscar

27 may increased dosage to 1/6 proscar
I think that I should decrease the dosage back to 1/8? I dont want that spot to grow larger? Is this because of finasteride?

Sorry for the bad picture, but when I look in a mirror, I can clearly see a small miniaturized spot over there. Also it's itchy if it makes difference


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that's nice you caught it early . :bravo:
you seem to be hesitating about finasteride :dunno:
just take your pills and forget about hairloss, you cannot do anything more
minoxidil won't preserve your hair. that's what happened to me. :(

I really wish I could go back to 17th, fyi I had much more hair than you, :punk: and I hesitated alot about finasteride and finally had to take it, :(
so you have two options ,
1. taking the pills now to preserve your hair
2. wait tilll your hair falls down and taking the pills to regrow your hair back

believe me, you don't want to pick the second

if you noticed any side effects you can continue till they subside. or stop taking the pills.
the doctor won't say anything more

fyi, the pills don't cause any thinning, your genes do and you have a strong positive family history

you must browse this forum and read others stories


nordicbald, the "miniaturised spot" may be due to finasteride. I shed a lot of hair in my first few weeks and months on finasteride, apparently that's normal and to be expected.


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The very front/ centre of my hairline has receded in an odd shape too, just as far back as the hairline corners. Easily the worst thing about my hairline; a good forelock is everything.