Normal balding and shedding


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Hello people.

I have some questions regarding the diffrences between normal hairloss
and shedding because of treatment like propecia and rogaine.

Do people who are thinning notice they are loosing lots of hair before they go on a treatment, or is the hairs just getting finer as a part of the normal hair growth process and therfor noticing a differnce, or is it like when we are treating the male pattern baldness (shedding) and loosing 100++ hairs (noticing) ;-) ??

The amout of hair that we loose when we are shedding is much more than what we would notice if we did not treat the male pattern baldness right?

Many of the people i have talked to that are loosing their hair, says that they dont notice loosing lots of hair.... (like sheedding) it just keeps getting thinner.............

Any views?


People lose their hair at different rates. Some people can lose all their hair in six months to a year so to them it seems like they are shedding lots of hair.

People like myself; notice a very slow gradual thinning due to male pattern baldness.

People without hair loss will notice no shedding at all because the shedding process is spread across the whole area of the scalp and at different times. So not all the hair on your head is shedding at once.

The reason that some people shed on finasteride is because finasteride re-aligns the growth cycle on a majority of the hairs on your scalp, so when they are due to fall out they all fall out close together instead of natural fall out. This is why some people report a thinning of the hair during a shedding phase. Then at the same time, the hairs that shed start to grow together again and this is why a sudden thickening occurs over the next few months. In real terms this process balances itself out and the shedding cycle returns to normal. With the help of finasteride, it continues to stop DHT attacking the hair follicle, which causes the hairs to miniaturise on the first place.

I hope that answers your questions