Normal or Not


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Hello, I'm 34 years old and am in need of some advice. I have been lurking these boards for about a month a have found some help in reading all your post.

About two months ago I started to notice my hair shedding more then what I thought was normal. I would find about 10 strains on my pillow in the morning, a few in the shower when shampooing (no idea how many went down the drain) but I'm assuming it has to be around 30, when I run my hands through my hair I can find 1 or two most of the time and when I run my hairs over the sink fast I can find 5-6 now and then, not every time. After a really good day of not seeing to many hairs I woke up this morning to find 30 on my pillow. This is the worst yet!

About 10 years ago I experienced something like this where my hair was shedding a lot and it just kinda stopped. My wife thinks I am going crazy, I do have OCD so she thinks this is me just over reacting and stressing myself out for no reason. She insists that my hair looks the same and I don't see how that is possible.

I went to the Dr. and all my blood test came back normal so I have no idea why I would just start shedding this much hair this fast. can male pattern baldness come on that fast?

We are trying to have a baby so I am worried about getting on meds.

Thanks for any help


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Also, 90% of all the shed hairs have a white bulb at the end. It seems unclear to me if this is a good or bad thing?


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Also wanted to add that this was VERY sudden. I went from really shedding no hair at all to this.

I never had an opportunity to meet my grandparents but both parents have full head of hair.

This also may sound very weird but I have noticed my eyelashes falling out more??