Normal to Itch When Using Tricomin?


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I have a Norwood 2-2.5 and I've been using Propecia for 11 months and have been using Nizoral every 3 days for four months. I just added Tricomin on Thursday and when I first put it on after I shower in the morning it feels good. There is no itch or anything, but as the day progresses, especially if I sweat when it's hot, the area where I sprayed the Tricomin (hairline) slightly irritates me and kind of itches (not excessive). Is this normal? I thought Tricomin was supposed to make the scalp feel really good so to prevent any kind of itch. Before I started using Tricomin never really had this problem. And also, if you there is a tingly feeling of some sorts where you sprayed Tricomin is that a good thing or a bad thing?


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You may have a slight allergy to one of the ingredients in tricomin. When you get the itching try applying more tricomin to that area...If the itching increases you probably have an alergy...if the itching goes away then it's probably from inflammation.


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If I am allergic to one of the ingredients and it causes me to itch more should I drop Tricomin? Secondly, if it's inflammation what can I do about? Is the inflammation being caused by Tricomin since I didn't really have this problem before using Tricomin? And therefore should I drop Tricomin?


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I would try applying tricomin to the itchy scalp first. If that doesnt help, then stop using the tricomin for a while and see if the itch persists. If it doesn't switch to american crew if you still want to keep using CP's.


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Would American Crew not be as likely to cause irritation or an itch compared to Tricomin even though American Crew uses almost the same formula as Tricomin?